Deforestation in Asia: Challenges & solutions for the palm oil industry

Deforestation in Asia: Challenges & solutions for the palm oil industry

Palm oil is the world’s most versatile vegetable oil – contributing to economic development in many regions, especially Southeast Asia. However, unsustainable production has led to widespread destruction of rainforests and biodiversity. Habitats of endangered species continue to be threatened, along with the rights of local communities and indigenous people.

This four-part webinar series by WWF will discuss palm oil demand and trade patterns in Asia – uncovering opportunities for stakeholders to take ambitious action for sustainability, effectively addressing social and environmental risks. Discussions with leading businesses and financial institutions in Asia will provide multiple perspectives on progressing sustainable palm oil in the region.


  • Palm oil consumption and trade flows in Asia: Risks and opportunities for action | 25 May 2021 | 15:00 SGT (GMT+08)
  • Palm oil industry transformation in Asia: Role and responsibility of buyers | 27 May 2021 | 15:00 SGT (GMT+08)
  • Addressing palm oil-driven deforestation: A way forward for financial institutions | 1 June 2021 | 15:00 SGT (GMT+08)
  • The Living Landscapes approach: Progress and lessons from Sabah | 3 June 2021 | 15:00 SGT (GMT+08)

Access the detailed agenda and register now on Eventbrite.

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