Climate Change 2017

The major political changes of the past year could have significant implications for global action on climate change. A new US presidential administration has ushered in dramatic changes to US climate-related regulation and raised questions about the US’s commitment to the Paris Agreement; and the triggering of Article 50 and commencement of Brexit negotiations could have considerable impact on European energy and climate policy.

In this context, the ambition of policy-makers internationally to take action on climate change needs to be reassessed. In the lead-up to the first ‘global stocktake’ in 2018, the practical challenges of emissions reductions persist and a step change is needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. 

This 21st annual Chatham House Climate Change conference will address:

  • Global climate policies and the dynamics of international leadership of the climate change agenda;
  • Climate change-related risks to financial markets and efforts to manage these;
  • Under-realized mitigation opportunities (such as land use, international transport and heavy industries);
  • The extent of carbon pricing schemes and the prospects for expansion;
  • Climate change risk reduction within markets and supply chains.

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