Climate adaptive innovation in food and agriculture in Thailand

Climate adaptive innovation in food and agriculture in Thailand

Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) is a global network of climate and clean energy financing advisors, in operation since 2006. We use donor funding to provide coaching support to developers of climate resilient and clean energy projects and then link them to sources of investment.

PFAN is delighted to invite you to the webinar on Climate Adaptive Innovation in Food and Agriculture in Thailand, which will take place on Thursday, 25th of March 2021 at 04:00 PM (Bangkok Time).

During the webinar, we will explain the expected impacts of climate change on agriculture and food security and how PFAN can support innovative solutions to increase climate resilience in the agriculture and food industry.

We will highlight the fact that the next round of applications for PFAN services closes on 2 May 2021.

The PFAN Country Coordinator for Thailand will then facilitate a panel discussion with Project Developers, and highlight specific sector-focused opportunities.

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