China International New Energy Vehicle Show (CINEV)

The “China International New Energy Vehicle show” will take place on 24, 25, 26 november 2015 at Asia World Expo. It is 3 days of exhibition, conferences and networking between politics and industrials from Asia and Europe on green transportation issues:

  • An exhibition: In a hall of 12 000 sqm at Asia Word Expo Hong Kong. We are inviting all the players of sustainable transportation, manufacturers and services providers as well as academics and city decision makers from Europe and China.
  • A Forum: conferences and round table with smart mobility experts
  • A Gala Diner for the Smart Mobility City Award: taking place on 24 November. Jean-Pierre Raffarin will reward European and Chinese cities for their commitments and achievements regarding eco-mobility (private event).
  • A networking area: there will be a VIP area to organise business meetings. We will be there to help business matching.
  • Test drive: the exhibitors can arrange test drive outside asia world expo

Come and join the CINEV show. If you want to participate, you can register online on

If you want to exhibit or be a sponsor, contact Stephanie Thumerelle on +852 9319 6414 or

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

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