Carbon Management Masterclass

The International Energy Centre presents the Carbon Management Masterclass to be held in Melbourne from 18 to 20 March 2013.

This in-touch professional development course is thought-provoking and exciting while providing in-depth practical training that will serve to enhance your organisation’s carbon and energy competitiveness and response capacity. To manage the emerging risks and opportunities presented by the low carbon economy - the Carbon Management Masterclass is not to be missed.

Course outline

The course looks at carbon management in an international and domestic context, before focusing on developing a practical toolkit to assist the management of Australian and international climate change legislation.

At the end of this course participants will be able to more effectively manage the requirements under legislation such as the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act, Clean Energy Act (Carbon Pricing Mechanism), the Carbon Farming Initiative and Energy Efficiency Opportunities Act.

The Carbon Management Masterclass has been developed in collaboration with the University of Queensland and industry experts. It is delivered by industry experts and world renowned researchers. The delivery team has extensive experience in climate change policy, carbon and energy markets, business management, energy, forestry and sustainability.


Discount rate for Carbon Market Institute members $2,465 (inc GST).

Full price $2,900 (inc GST).

Closing date for registrations

4 March 2013

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