Business Growth through Sustainability Strategies

In the current economic climate where there are a lot of risks and uncertainties, what should be the strategies for business to achieve growth? Could Sustainability strategies be the key to unlock the value in driving business growth?

Scarce natural resources and the awareness of the need for higher resource efficiency have brought Sustainability into increasing focus among stakeholders. Moreover, consumer awareness and engagement is driving purchasing decisions and consumption patterns that are motivated by environmental and ethical factors. An expanding regulatory environment and employee preferences for environmentally committed companies highlight the need for businesses to have a mindset driven by Sustainability.

By focusing on Sustainability, companies can obtain value through brand enhancement, cost reduction, risk management, and business model innovation. This seminar aims to share the insights from Subject Matter Experts on what are the Sustainability Strategies that could help achieve business growth, and what are the available grants and funding incentives for Sustainability initiatives.

Who should attend?

  • Business Owners
  • CXOs
  • Sustainability Leaders, Managers, Practitioners
  • CSR Professionals
  • Business Development Directors, Managers

Join our specialists in this exclusive seminar to:

  • Find out the Sustainability risks that will impact your business growth
  • Understand Sustainability best practices
  • Learn more on how to reduce costs and create value by adopting Sustainability Strategies
  • Be aware on the grants and funding incentives for Sustainability Initiatives

Interesting topics include:

  • Sustainable Breakthroughs
  • Increasing Values through Carbon Management
  • ISO 50001- Strengthening the Green Economy through Energy Management Systems
  • Raising the Bar: Latest Sustainability Reporting Trends and Guidance
  • The Singapore Green Labelling Scheme

This is a complimentary event.

Please RSVP to by 30th October 2015.

Kindly include your Name, Designation, Company and Contact number for our administrative reference.

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