Business and Human Rights - How to Get Beyond Policy, Manage Risk and Build Relationships

This global event is a meeting place for corporate practitioners tasked with the responsibility of putting human rights principles into practice. Going beyond the usual theory and into the practical implications and real-world challenges of implementing the human rights guiding principles across the business.

  • Human rights and business performance A look beyond the typical academic lens and into the practical implications that human rights can have on your business and the bottom line
  • Go beyond just policy: A look at progression since the implementation of the human rights guiding principles. Discuss how framework has advanced – and what remains to be done
  • The legal and enforcement risks Understand what you must be doing, and where you can, and should, draw the line
  • What makes policy that works on the ground? Find out how to integrate human rights principles into your sustainability, and business, framework
  • Big finance and human rights Discover how financial institutions view the business and human rights agenda
  • Bring suppliers on board How to engage and support suppliers as they progress towards ethical practices
  • Pre-Competitive Collaboration: Buzzword or reality? Hear from companies who have undergone successful collaboration and seen the positive results

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Oliver Bamford
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