BEC EnviroSeries Conference 2016

A Resilient and Low Carbon Hong Kong – Transforming Awareness into Actions

In December 2015, governments from 195 countries adopted the Paris Agreement to reduce carbon emissions, with the goal of keeping temperature rise below 2°C and to make efforts to keep it below 1.5°C. The ambition is that by the end of the century the world will achieve net zero emissions.

The Paris Agreement followed two weeks of negotiations at the Paris Climate Conference, the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties (“COP21”) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (“UNFCCC”). For the first time, commitments were made by all the major countries, including China, to reduce emissions. A clear long-term goal was set, with countries making binding commitments for the medium term, generally up to 2030. COP21 has been widely hailed as a success. Implementation and ratcheting up of emission reduction targets are vital to achieving these goals.

Hong Kong as one of the wealthiest cities in Asia has a role to play in helping keep up the momentum to achieve these fundamental goals. To date it has set targets for 2020 relating to the carbon intensity of the economy, and its existing model of urban design and transport mean that it is faring well in some ways. However, there is now a need to consider what governments and business must do to ensure that Hong Kong’s private sector, public sector and households are on the right trajectory to reduce Hong Kong’s carbon emissions in accordance with world targets and China’s plans in both the short term and the longer term.

This will require building on good practice in some areas but, in others, major shifts in current practice may be required. Reducing the carbon intensity of electricity generation, reducing the use of electricity in buildings and energy in transport, as well as reducing waste and embodied carbon have potential for delivering significant and cost-effective GHG emission reductions.

In this conference, BEC will bring together industry experts, policy makers, business leaders and academics to discuss strategies and develop longer-term plans for reducing emissions in energy generation as well as reducing energy usage. We will adopt a sectoral approach and explore innovative solutions and technologies, looking at their impact and cost effectiveness. At the end of this conference we aim to have a clear sense of what the different sectors need to do in the short term as well as in the longer term to meet reduction targets in a cost-effective way that enables the HK economy to have a high level of energy security, to be competitive, and to support a global shift to net zero emissions.

Key Topics: (Download Programme)

  • Climate Change and Hong Kong
  • Climate Change Impacts on Hong Kong
  • Low Carbon Hong Kong: Why Business Should Lead
  • Future Energy Generation in Hong Kong – Potential Trajectories for the Fuel Mix
  • Driving Change in the Short Term: Commercial Viability of Waste to Energy – Optimizing Returns
  • China’s Climate Change Policy – Introducing a Carbon Price
  • Panel Discussion: Low Carbon Hong Kong: Improving Our Fuel Mix – Strategies and Solutions?
  • Eco Innovation: Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme
  • Making Our Buildings Fit for the 21st Century: Meeting Targets for 2030 and Net Zero by 2100
  • International Perspectives on Driving Transformative Change in the Urban Infrastructure
  • Accelerating the Shift to Low Carbon & Resilient Built Environment in Hong Kong Through Inspiring Design and Technology
  • How Technologies Can Support the Development of a Low Carbon Metropolis?
  • Panel Discussion: How Business Can Lead the Way in a Transition Hong Kong to a Future-proof Low Carbon City – Strategies and Approaches?

Confirmed Speakers/ Moderators:

  • Keynote Presentation - Ms Christine LOH, JP, Under Secretary for the Environment, Hong Kong SAR Government
  • Mr Chi-ming SHUN, JP, Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong SAR Government
  • Ir Edwin TONG, JP, Director of Drainage Services, Hong Kong SAR Government
  • Mr Eric CHONG, BEC Board Director / President & CEO, Siemens Limited
  • Ir TC Tee, BEC Board Director / General Manager (Corporate Development) , The Hongkong Electric Company Limited
  • Dr Raymond YAU, BEC Board Director / General Manager, Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Limited
  • Ir Dr K L CHAN, Group Business Development Director, The Jardine Engineering Corporation Limited
  • Mr Wai-shin CHAN, Director, Climate Change Strategy, Asia Pacific, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation Limited
  • Mr Tung-keung CHIANG, Chief Operating Officer of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
  • Mr Gavin EDWARDS, Director of Conservation, WWF Hong Kong
  • Dr Anne KERR, Global Head Urbanisation, Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited
  • Dr Calvin KWAN, General Manager – Sustainability, Link Asset Management Limited
  • Prof Irene LO, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
  • Dr Kyung-Min NAM, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong
  • Dr Thomas TANG, Director, Sustainability, Asia, AECOM
  • Mr Pat-nie WOO, Partner, Business Reporting and Sustainability, KPMG
  • Mr Wilson YIK, Associate (Sustainability), Leigh & Orange

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