Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation - Asia-Pacific Chapter, Annual Meeting 2013

The 2013 Annual Meeting of the ATBC Asia-Pacific Chapter will be held at Banda Aceh, Sumatra, from 18-22 March.

The meeting will be organized by the Government of Aceh, University of Syiah Kuala, Strategic Resources Institute, and Fauna & Flora International (FFI). ATBC has an active Asia Chapter that has met previously in Xishuangbanna, China in 2012, Bangkok, Thailand in 2011, Bali, Indonesia (with the main ATBC meeting), in 2010, Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 2009, Kuching, Malaysia, in 2008 and Mahabalipuram, India, in 2007. The 2013 conference will bring together researchers, students, biodiversity specialists, conservation practitioners, policy makers, universities, government agencies and non-government organizations from around the Asia-Pacific region under the overall theme of:

Linking biodiversity science to policy and conservation action‘.

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Antony Lynam
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