Asia Waste to Energy Congress 2015

The global waste to energy market is expected to grow at an 8.1% CAGR during the period of 2015 to 2019 and will reach a value of US$31,892.9 million. the demand from Asia will continue to dominate the world market. With the swift economic growth and industrialization in Southeast Asia, demand for energy is growing rapidly. This demand paired with the region’s abundant resources for producing biopower, has accelerated the region’s drive to implement the latest waste-to energy technologies in order to tap the unharnessed potential of waste-to-energy/biomass resources. Southeast Asia’s plentiful supply of diverse forms of wastes such as agricultural residues, municipal solid waste, animal waste and forest residues is creating opportunities to produce clean and efficient energy. Governments in Southeast Asia have also introduced industry-friendly policies to stimulate the WTE sector growth.

The geography of the Phlippines and its increasing population are presenting problems for the accessibility of power and capacity of traditional waste removal mechanisms in rural areas. For these reasons, the Philippines is in need of expanding and improving its waste-to-energy infrastructure, especially in off grid areas.

Indonesia has considerable geographical challenges that hinder its ability to provide adequate power to rural areas. Additionally, due to its increasing population, Indonesia is the region’s largest energy consumer. The large population has also been pushing waste disposal sites such as landfills over capacity. These challenges, coupled with the government’s desire to increase electricity power to meet national demand and to decrease fossil fuel consumption, make utilization and improvement of waste-to energy/ biomass technology a priority for the country.

Thailand is the second largest energy consumer in Southeast Asia. To address the country’s short and long-term supply and demand issues, and to secure its future energy sufficiency, Thailand has set a sustainable energy plan. In order to ensure energy security, the Ministry of Energy aims to increase the proportion of alternative energy to 25 percent of the country’s total energy consumption by 2022. Under this plan, the number of waste-toenergy projects is expected to increase, from accounting for 13.45 Megawatts to 160 Megawatts of waste-to-energy power.

India and China, the two most populous nations in the world, produce huge amounts of waste that could form the backbone of a currently tragically lacking waste to energy industry. In India, the planning of new plants has significantly increased recently. China will remain the most important market in the years to come.

In the past years, the MOST, NDRC, MIIT, MEP, MOHURD, MOC and CAS jointly issued ” Waste to Energy Technology Engineering Twelfth Five special plan “, the NDRC issued ” WtE subsidy policy “, the State Council issued the “12th Five-Year municipal solid waste disposal, facilities construction plan “. Because of this package of policy stimulus by the government, China ushered large-scale MSW incineration investment and construction, the industry went to the stage of market comprehensive development,they build a number of projects in the country as well. Until May 2015, the MSW incineration power plants put into operation exceeds 200, the total number of waste incineration plants under construction or proposed will be more than 400. Statistics show that China’s annual urban solid waste generation is expected to reach nearly 200 million tons this year and exceed 230 million tons by 2020. Feb 10, 2015,the MHOURD released “MSW WtE operation and regulation standard”.

May 7, 2015, the MIIT, MOHURD, NDRC, MOF, MEP jointly issued the “Notice on the disposal of solid waste in cement kilns co-pilot work”. The Chinese government also has released a number of new policy standards to limit emissions in the past few years, for example:“Standard for pollution control on co-processing of solid wastes in Cement kiln” (GB 30485-2013) ,“Environmental protection technical specification for co-processing of Solid wastes in cement kiln” (HJ 662-2013) ,“Municipal Solid waste incineration pollution control standards” (GB18485-2014). Implementation of the new policy standards will also promote incineration enterprises to improve operational management level, to further reduce emissions, reduce waste incineration facilities public doubts and dissatisfaction. This will undoubtedly provide flue gas treatment providers a big market.

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