Advanced CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer) Professional- ILM Certified

Following the success of the Sustainability and CSR Masterclass, in June in Dubai, we are proud to offer the Advanced CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer) Professional, ILM Certified training, 4-6 November 2014, in Dubai.

The Advanced CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer) Professional Training is challenging and interactive, designed for professionals seeking in-depth knowledge and practical understanding of strategic as well as operational issues. This 3 day training provides an excellent qualification for professionals aiming for a successful career in Sustainability and CSR.

Areas of Focus:

  • Engage with stakeholders: through holistic CSR initiatives
  • Get your message out there: through storytelling
  • Motivate your workforce: through gamification
  • Drive business strategy: through materiality
  • Elevate your environmental approach: through Circular Economy approach
  • Demonstrate your economic, social and environmental value: through SROI
  • Get value from innovative business models

Top Benefits:

  • Acquire a holistic and inclusive perspective of CSR and Sustainability
  • Gain in depth understanding of CSR and Sustainability
  • Identify CSR risks and opportunities
  • Learn to formulate Sustainability Strategies
  • Learn how to integrate CSR into corporate strategy and structure
  • Study key frameworks, guidelines, legislation
  • Understand how to improve Sustainability performance
  • Comprehend Social Return on Investment
  • Practice on reporting Sustainability performance and progress
  • Learn to identify and prioritise Stakeholders
  • Practice developing and communicating successful initiative
  • Comprehend and identify materiality issues
  • Understand environmental impacts
  • Understand sustainable supply chain methodologies

Who should attend? This training is for professionals from:

  • CSR/ Sustainability
  • Corporate governance/ Risk management
  • HumanRecourses
  • Marketing/ Communications/ PR
  • Supply chain
  • Health & Safety
  • Environment
  • Quality
  • Corporate philanthropy/ NGOs
  • Corporate level

For more information and registration, please contact Sustainability Knowledge Group:

Sustainability and CSR are universal issues, therefore professionals from the APAC region working in the UAE are welcome to attend.

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