7th Annual City Development

The 7th Annual City Development provides the perfect platform to explore ways of integrating your development with sustainable city planning strategies, more effective transportation systems, low-carbon energy water networks and efficient and scalable social infrastructure. Attend this event to enhance the living standards and establish a vibrant economic climate to address the rapid urbanisation and improve the liveability of your city.

In particular, the rise of five key forces that are making an indelible mark on the urban landscape: water, transportation, waste, energy and urbanisation. And as these forces begin to intertwine, they are creating complex and unpredictable challenges for urban planners. So, cities that are properly planned would provide a better standard of living for their inhabitants; attract talent and investment opportunities for a greater economic growth.

Day 1 & Day 2

Stream I : Urban Planning & Regeneration
This stream focuses on elements of masterplanning and designing town and cities toward a more holistic sustainable development. It would include strategies to take advantage of unused urban areas to create public spaces to promote better community interactions. It would also discuss on utilising mixed-use development approaches to integrate new city projects within an existing development to enhance the economic benefits. At the same, this stream would explore the handling and upgrading of informal settlements in urban areas and how to help the local community respond to urbanisation pressures and whilst obtaining socio-economic benefits. This stream would also expand on utilising green designs to conserve historical sites and create a sustainable city with enhanced energy efficiency.

Stream II : Infrastructure Development & Financing
This stream will deepen your understanding and discuss innovative ways to improve your city’s infrastructure and acquire the right financing options to fund these projects. The stream would also address the collaboration between public and private sectors to further infrastructure developments. Also, uncover ways to improve water, drainage, power, roads and urban transport infrastructure.

Stream III : Urban Mobility
This stream would elaborate on sustainable urban mobility through the use of public transportation and pedestrian-friendly designs. This would include creating a transit-oriented city with the incorporation of mass transportation to reduce traffic congestion in crowded urban areas. This stream will benefit you in terms of devising Traffic Impact Assessment strategies, as well as, government-driven incentives and policies to improve urban transportation within your city.

Day 3 – Half Day Workshop on Plenary Sessions and Interactive Panel discussions

Linking Cities to Finance: Overcoming bottlenecks to financing a strategic urban infrastructure investments

In the second half of the day, the workshop would help to exchange perspectives from key factor on the topic together with presentations of specific case studies from Asia and other parts of the world. The course offered would also cater to identify and remove these bottlenecks as cities seek sources for financing their urban infrastructure investments. The sessions would also take a broad perspective on private financing that goes beyond PPP arrangements.

The City Development Initiatives for Asia (CDIA) is a regional partnership program supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the governments of Germany, Sweden and Spain assisting medium sized Asian cities in bridging the gap between their development plans and access to funding for financing their strategic urban infrastructure. While initial cooperation focused on linking cities to multilateral and bilateral development funding sources, increasing energies are going into identifying areas for private sector financing through Public and other modalities.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Stefanie Gee
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