6th Sugar Asia

6th Sugar Asia Conference and Expo is an international event for Sugar, Ethanol, Distilleries, Bio-Energy and Cane Farming. 

Sugar Asia is the best platform to witness the latest technology and equipments available in the Sugar, Alcohol, Distillery and Energy sector, and a  networking platform for acquainting oneself with the newest happenings in Sugar, Ethanol, and Energy sector. With the Free Trade Agreement for the ASEAN region, countries like Veitnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka etc are very much ready for fresh investments in the above mentioned industries. 

A high end two day conference is also part of the show as it gives the latest information about the industries and technology. The speakers will deliver best of their work and on other hand companies will also be able to impart their technological knowledge. The conference will cover all the dimensions of the Sugar, Alcohol, Ethanol and Energy sector.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Mukesh Kharia
[javascript protected email address]

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