5th International Conference Offshore Cabling 2016

Offshore Cabling 2016

First-hand insights into managing offshore wind cabling projects

Cable damages stay a permanent issue with average costs of € 5 million per repair. Submarine cable repair account for more than 70 % of all insurance claims of installed wind parks. At the upcoming event you will get the opportunity to learn from offshore cable installation case studies and gain insights into latest offshore cable technologies and approaches. Opportunities andstrategies for upgrading protection systems and utilising available data from condition monitoring will be discussed.

Meet experts from RWE, GCube, Underwriting Limited, JDR Cabling, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), Vattenfall, Prysmian PowerLink Services and

  • Explain the specific requirements and risks from an insurer perspective
  • Give insight into pre-installation survey strategies and start saving time and money from the outset
  • Evaluate new trenching tools and equipment optimised for different ground conditions
  • Teach how latest intelligent subsea cables ease your cable protection strategy and save your resources
  • Reduce damages in future by looking at project leaders’ experience with planning, installation and operation

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