Municipal solid waste management and industrial waste management is the most important service a city provides. With rapid Urbanization comes an even larger growth rate in the waste production running into Hundreds of millions of Tonnes, managing waste safely from different sectors poses to be a growing challenge.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s economy has been rapidly growing in recent years from High oil output, strong private sector activity and bold government investments in mega projects towards an innovatively sustainable and greener environment.
With a growing population of 29.9 million people and rising, the per capita waste generated per person per day is between 1.5kgs to 1.8kgs, waste management has become an increasingly important item on the social and economic policies of the Middle Eastern nations, waste needs to be safely managed because it is potentially hazardous to human health and the environment.
The well-educated young Saudi population is growing with a positive economic outlook and backed by a determined Government to position the Kingdom as one of the world’s most competitive economies with strong private sector activity. Growth of high magnitude moving with such fierce velocity possess large challenges with regards to the rapid change in environment due to the increasing waste generated from every sector running into Billion tons of waste produced per year.
We at Nispana bring to you our 5th annual in Waste Management and Recycling Summit for a Healthier, sustainable, greener Environment focusing on the current scenario.
We look to overcome the various challenges with the help of case studies and bringing to light the tried and tested innovative solutions being developed and put to effect successfully across regions to produce a waste free Saudi Arabia since waste from various sectors needs to be safely managed because it is potentially hazardous to human health and the environment.
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Jagadish Kumar
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