#World Bank News

Anna Victoria Veloso-Tuazon_UCFS Philippines 2024
The Philippines has no formal net-zero commitment, reminds congresswoman Anna Victoria Veloso-Tuazon at the Unlocking capital for sustainability event held in Taguig. The new bill can bridge the climate investment gap and help businesses become Paris-aligned.
The internet is a lifeline for Gazans as Israel's offensive continues; tech activists, engineers work to keep people connected.
Electric motorsports are helping drive the electric vehicle market, but EVs alone won't curb transport emissions.
The compensation fund could help fishers from small island and coastal states, but many challenges remain.
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#World Bank Opinion

New research by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) shows that disbursing International Development Association (IDA) funds to projects that positively affect people’s lives must overcome major barriers.
Air pollution is a 'silent killer', say former New Zealand PM and former WHO chief scientist.
Governments in the region must fix their opaque regulatory frameworks and make use of innovative financing models, says analyst Shantanu Srivastava.
coastal village in Madagascar
Given the escalating climate crisis, multilateral lenders must urgently adopt an approach to development aid that emphasises prevention. By incorporating structural vulnerabilities into their allocation formulas, the World Bank and others can strengthen poor countries' resilience and increase fairness, efficiency, and transparency.
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#World Bank Videos

ecosperity 2019
Eminent speakers and thousands of attendees discussed strategies for a resource-efficient future at Ecosperity Week 2019. As they heard about the science of global warming, delegates were called upon to be part of the solution.
Suggestions by delegates at the World Bank's recent Innovate4Climate event in Singapore included: Supporting developing countries in their efforts to conserve the forests, and launching more incubators for climate-friendly solutions. 
EB Studio Battery technology could reshape the global energy sector, and this year's #Innovate4Climate summit in Singapore will focus on the cutting-edge innovation that could change the energy landscape.
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#World Bank Podcasts

Cantilan Bank aftermath of Rai_EB podcast logo
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas assistant governor tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the regulator’s maiden sustainability report that features an empirical study of climate impacts on banks as well as the nation’s first taxonomy.
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