#mental health News

Jiayun Fang, UBS social impact lead for Southeast Asia
Fang was previously head of corporate sustainability for Singapore bank UOB.
Jann Vinze Barcinal_A List Youth 2023 winner
Filipino conservationist and founder of Antique-based Dulungan Youth Jann Vinze Barcinal shares how he is helping former poachers find new ways of making a living in ecotourism and nursery work so that they become the bird's protectors.
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Business executives around the region are very wary of being called out for greenwashing, a survey by Kearney finds. Changing rules for how firms can communicate their sustainability credentials are fuelling angst.
Workers rest in the shade outside a construction site in Singapore.
A 1°C warmer Singapore will result in an 88 per cent increase in economic losses to heat stress, which also negatively affects fertility, research by National University of Singapore finds.
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#mental health Opinion

Australia Bushfire 2019
We feel ecological grief when we lose places, species or ecosystems we value and love. These losses are a growing threat to mental health and wellbeing globally.
Across the region, it’s never been more critical to cultivate a resilient healthcare workforce capable of addressing climate-induced public health issues.
Writing in nature photo
The imaginative process of crafting fictional narratives about difficult topics comes with its own benefits – almost akin to therapy.
Social media_phone_Indonesia
It is particularly important for emerging economies like Indonesia that has a large youth population to address the issue of eco-anxiety, often driven by a perceived lack of political will and action from those in power.
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