#animal welfare News

Suntariya Muanpawong_Thai judge
Thailand is still used as a hub for wildlife trafficking networks, and Muanpawong tells Eco-Business that judicial innovation is needed to address the transboundary nature of wildlife trade. Putting the poor in prisons doesn't help, she says.
Sabah pygmy elephants
Elephant encroachment into plantation estates remain a recurring problem, Eco-Business observes on a recent visit to Sukau, Kinabatangan, where forested areas have been fragmented by thousands of hectares of oil palm sites.
Under pressure from worried farmers, government officials are contemplating a cull.
As fruit bats die en masse in parts of India, experts stress the need for research as they fear the loss of these bats could have huge ecological consequences.
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#animal welfare Opinion

Habitat destruction and modification harms biodiversity, and compounds the impacts of climate change and other threats to wildlife.
Burger King Austria advertisement_plant-based
Switching menus so meat is not the default option dramatically reduces meat consumption. But will the effects last?
Dogs enjoy a day out
Vibes are more important than looks. And how about volunteering at a shelter, or helping your neighbour dog-sit instead?
orang utan in borneo
Giving wild apes digital wallets linked to their identities would mean that they will be able to 'spend money' on their own protection. This could increase their chances of survival.

Policy & Finance

Veganism and finance

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#animal welfare Videos

The Green Mortician is Singapore's first water cremation service
The Green Mortician is the city-state's first water cremation service, which has a small carbon footprint compared to traditional funeral options.
Dr Sylvia Earle
Exclusive In this exclusive interview to mark Earth Day, Eco-Business speaks to Dr Sylvia Earle, oceanographer and founder of Mission Blue, who draws the link between our climate crisis and the health of our oceans.
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#animal welfare Podcasts

Dr Sylvia Earle podcast
Exclusive Oceanographer Dr Sylvia Earle speaks to Eco-Business in this exclusive podcast about the irreversible damage deep sea mining will cause, the link between the oceans and our global climate, and the role that we can all play in 'being at peace' with nature.
A dairy cow in the United States
Methane emissions, deforestation, water pollution, antibiotics overuse, animal welfare — the dairy industry faces a farmyard of sustainability issues. Eco-Business asked United States Dairy Export Council's Karen Scanlon how dairy farms can lighten their environmental impact.
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