#advertising News

An advertisement for Australian Gas Network
United Nations chief António Guterres called ad agencies "enablers to planetary destruction". The industry's biggest ad firms have not responded to calls to drop fossil fuels clients. Dirty energy ads will have to be banned before agencies transition, say NGOs
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Business executives around the region are very wary of being called out for greenwashing, a survey by Kearney finds. Changing rules for how firms can communicate their sustainability credentials are fuelling angst.
Andy Wilson speaking at The Conscious Festival 2023
The Singapore-based communications strategist has launched Early Majority, a company that aims to speed up the adoption of sustainability solutions that have struggled to achieve scale.
In its study of the high-impact clients that the biggest ad holding companies work for, Planet Tracker estimates that these firms wield the combined emissions footprint of 530 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year from just 39 clients – larger than the carbon footprint of the United Kingdom, which accounts for 1.1 per cent of global emissions.
For the first time, the study by Planet Tracker goes beyond tracking fossil fuel clients that the world's ad heavyweights work for, but also look at advertisers that have a high waste and water footprint.
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#advertising Opinion

An advertisement for the proposed Narrabri gas project in New South Wales
Fossil fuel firms are among the biggest spenders on Google ads that are designed to resemble search results.
"Sustainability is in our DNA"
If sustainability really was at the heart of everything businesses did, the planet probably would not be 1.2°C warmer than it should be. It's time for corporates to stop using the same meaningless catchphrase – or risk alienating consumers
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