WOC SOS 2016 Theme announced

The international ocean business community will gather at the World Ocean Council (WOC) Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) 2016 to advance leadership and collaboration in developing industry-driven solutions to ocean sustainable development challenges.

With the theme of “Ocean 2030: Sustainable Development Goals and the Ocean Business Community,” the SOS 2016 will:

· Address the 2016-2030 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and what they mean for the ocean business community.

·Advance development of SDG targets and indicators being developed with and for the Ocean Business Community via the WOC during 2016.

The SOS 2016 theme recognises:

  • The SDGs adopted by the U.N. in 2015 to guide international economic development from 2016-2030.
  • The growth of the ocean economy and the diverse ocean business community, and their contribution to the food, energy, transport, communications and other needs of society.
  • The role of the ocean business community over the next 15 years, and beyond, in 1) Ensuring the health, productivity and sustainable development of the ocean. 2) Advancing responsible ocean economic activity that contributes jobs, income, goods and services in support of societal needs.

The SOS 2016 program’s potential Plenary Sessions include:

  1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Ocean Business Community
  2. Ocean Executive Forum: The Multi-Sector Ocean CEO Panel
  3. Ocean 2030: Ocean Industry Projections and the Future of the Ocean Economy
  4. European Blue Growth: EU Plans for the Ocean Economy and Sustainable Development, and the Role of the Marine Strategy Directive
  5. Investment and Innovation for Ocean Sustainable Development

The SOS 2016 program’s potential Parallel Sessions include:

  1. Ocean Policy and Governance: The Law of the Sea’s New Binding Legal Agreement, What It Means for Ocean Industries and How to Engage in the Future of the Ocean Commons
  2. Marine Planning and the North Sea: Multiple Ocean Use and Sustainable Development in a Heavily Used, Transboundary Sea Basin
  3. Marine Planning and International Waters: Shaping the High Seas Sustainable Development
  4. Renewable Energy in Ocean Spaces: Addressing Constraints to the Growth of Offshore Wind and Ocean Energy
  5. Sound and the Marine Environment: Advancing a Global, Multi-Industry Approach
  6. Plastics and Marine Debris: Adequate Port Reception Facilities to Reduce Waste in the Sea
  7. BioFouling and Invasive Species: Understanding and Addressing a Global, Multi-Industry Issue
  8. Arctic Sustainable Development: Ocean Business Scenarios and Responsible Artic Development
  9. Smart Ocean-Smart Industries: Industry Data Collection to Improve Ocean and Climate Knowledge
  10. Ocean Acidification and the Ocean Business Community
  11. Climate Change Adaptation and Resiliency: Ports, Sea Level Rise and Extreme Event
  12. Enhancing the Ocean’s Role in CO2 Removal
  13. Maritime Clusters: Progress and Lessons Learned in Private Sector Collaboration to Advance Responsible Ocean Economic Development
  14. Sustainable Development, Shipping and Synergies
  15. Maritime Accidents: Prevention, Search, Rescue, Recovery, Salvage and Pollution Prevention
  16. Marine Engines: Improving Energy Efficiency and Reducing Emissions Across the Sectors
  17. Marine Mining: Opportunities and Challenges for a Responsible New Ocean Industry
  18. Environmentally Responsible Dredging: Supporting Sustainable Development and the Ocean Economy
  19. Rig Decommissioning and Re-Use: Opportunities for Cross-Sectoral Collaboration
  20. Multi-use Offshore Platforms: Creating Synergies in Ocean Infrastructure DevelopmentThe Future of Ocean Habitation: Projects and Plans for Living On and Under the Seas

More detailed information on these topics and a Call for Abstracts will be available soon.

The final SOS 2016 program will reflect the level of interest in these, or other, topics.

New topics may be added based on expressions of interest. Interested parties are invited to propose session themes that they would like to sponsor and organise.

Please contact info@oceancouncil.org to propose a session at SOS 2016.

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