White paper on carbon emission released ahead of 3rd Biomass Pellets Trade Asia Conference in Seoul

CMT’s 3rd Biomass Pellets Trade Asia in Seoul on 12-13 September highlights the demand, supply, feedstock acquisition, technology and utilization of biomass pellets as a bioenergy source in Asia. A new value-added feature to the event is the release of a White Paper on Carbon Emission.

‘Reduced carbon emissions through biomass’ is a concise paper that demonstrates the particular characteristics of biomass which makes it a suitable renewable energy source and its potential to significantly impact the demand and trade of biomass pellets in the Asia-Pacific region. Author Rickard Frithiof, a carbon and biomass energy expert at Pöyry Management Consulting; remarks that “The paper examines the actual carbon dioxide balance in a bioenergy project, points of consideration in the policies for promoting renewable energy sources, and how this translates into energy economics.”

Two key topics covered in the white paper are:

  • Issues in CO2 performance
  • The economics of biomass and the role of CO2

This 6-page white paper is released for exclusive readership and is available as download ahead of the 3rd Biomass Pellets Trade Asia scheduled to take place in Seoul on 12-13 September. Click here to obtain a copy of the white paper.

Themed “Feed-in Asia’s Demand for Wood Pellets & Biomass for Power & Heat”, the upcoming conference delves into various aspects of the biomass pellets trade scenario such as the demand for biomass in power generation and CHP, specifics on FIT and Renewable Portfolio Standard in Japan, South Korea and China, options of securing wood pellets and agro biomass supply from SouthEast Asia, trade economics, bio power generation, analysis of torrefaction technologies in Asia, prospects of executing large scale biomass co-firing and CHP and the utilisation of biomass in industrial power and cogeneration plants.

For more details on the conference, contact Ms. Hafizah at hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg, at Tel: +65 6346 9218

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