TPassion introduces sustainability to Hong Kong apparel manufacturing

In an industry and country where the concepts and premise of transparency and sustainability appear a threat to business operations, TPassion, in ongoing efforts to become Hong Kong’s Sustainable Manufacturer, proudly releases its first Corporate Introduction Report.

Loosely based upon GRI Sustainability Reporting mechanisms and designed for simplicity, the report structure consists of four distinguishable sections:

1)    Addressing Report Materiality

2)    About TPassion: Background, Purpose and Economic Indicators

3)    Social Practices: Internal and External

4)    Environmental Impacts: Initiatives and Indicators

The report therefore firmly revolves around the fundamental elements of Sustainable Development, provides an overview of the various economic, social and environmental initiatives implemented and / or in progress between the period of April 2010 - March 2011, and provides an indication of the company’s strategtic direction.

TPassion, a small scale manufacturer, has invested time, effort, and resources to producing this first report.  The report not only provides the reader with a valuable insight into the company’s culture and value system, but more importantly sets an example for other apparel manufacturers based in Hong Kong and around the Pearl River Delta area, delivering a key message that sustainability and transparency are integral to developing a successful business model.

The report is available electronically in PDF and can be obtained via emailing for a full copy.  Feedback is greatly appreciated

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