The Data Dilemma: How to harness the power of big data in sustainability reporting

Sustainability leaders Ericcson, British Airways and PWC are avoiding reporting fatigue through effectively managing big data in sustainability reporting.

In Ethical Corporation’s newly published guide to sustainability data reporting: The DataDilemma Gareth Manning, Director of Sustainability at DNV-GL highlights that “Some companies get stuck reporting data points that are not relevant to the business” and the guide investigates the delicate balance between transparency and reporting fatigue.

By December 31st 2015, all companies using The Global Reporting Initiative reporting framework will need to transition to GRI G4, which focusses on materiality. British Airways have already transitioned to the 4th edition of the framework which focuses on issues that are most significant to their business. Andy Kershaw manages the Environmental policy at BA and highlighted through their materiality assessment that “Carbon emissions, noise, air quality, waste, training and responsible procurement” are some of the key issues that require management.

Highlighted by case studies in this guide, reporting is a process that drives positive change and efficiency within an organisation and effectively managing lots of data by selecting the right data, linking it to strategy and monitoring KPI’s is the key to driving social performance within your organisation.

Heather Johnson is the Director for Communications and Stakeholder Engagement at Ericcson and stresses that data needs to be harnessed and is one of the key tools for identifying developing risks stating “The main challenge is in identifying new significant issues in time to start the right process for timely data collection.”

For more information on how to use data to drive positive change in your organisation The Data Dilemma is available for free here

To provide feedback please contact Steven Wade, Global Project Director, Ethical Corporation at or +44 (0) 207 422 4361

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