The 2nd Annual Smartricity Asia Congress 2011 will be held in September, Tianjin china

The 2nd Annual Smartricity Asia Congress 2011 (SAC2011) will be held in 6th-9th September 2011 at Sheraton Hotel Tianjin China.

This sterling reputation power & utility series congress is a follow-up to the Smartricity Asia Congress 2010 and the Renewable Energy& Grid Integration China 2011. Over 300 professionals from Asian utilities, governments and industry attended last year’s highly successful conference, and this year we are building on that momentum. Following customer feedback and the launch of a new strategy we are honoured to hold the 2nd Annual Smartricity Asia Congress 2011 together with the Tianjin Electric Power Corporation.

SAC2011 will see utilities from China, Australia, Singapore, India, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Abu Dhabi, Russia, Malaysia and many others that will provide an update on upcoming smart grid initiatives around APAC. Hot issues will be discussed in SAC2011 in Asian Smart Grid progress, including policy, regulatory frameworks, standardization, worldwide pilot, investment plans and deployment projects. Vendors and solution providers will also be on hand to share latest innovations that will address key technologies in power transmission, substation and distribution and consumption.

SAC2011 is the event for international smart grid providers and suppliers to exchange and share knowledge with Asian policy makers, regulators, utilities companies and system integrators. It is a vital platform for networking, exploring business opportunities and keeping abreast with industry developments.

The format of the summit is based on two-day double-stream sessions, with presentations of invited and regular papers from academia and industry. SAC2011 is organized by the Oppland Corporation with the support of the Tianjin Electric Power Company. We continually improve our research and service to serve the best communication platform for Industry players to share their views on Smart Grid.

More information, please visit our official website:

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