Tenders sought to add to carbon market expertise

The Carbon Market Institute is extending its highly valued research program, adding to its comprehensive suite of publications which are designed to take liable entities along a journey to becoming sophisticated carbon market participants.

The introduction of Australia’s carbon pricing mechanism presents a new range of issues to be managed by liable entities. For the first time, these businesses are compelled to examine their operations to determine how they can meet their emissions compliance obligations at least cost.

With this in mind, CMI has released a request for tender for its newest research project which aims to provide liable entities with a decision-tree type framework to analyse their business operations from a carbon cost perspective.

“We aim to bring to market research publications that are valued most highly by our members, are innovative and thought provoking, providing in-depth analysis of the real issues,” says Carbon Market Institute markets and research manager Lloyd Vas.

“This research project, Carbon Decision Making and Risk Management: A Guide for Business, will be the first in a suite of three upcoming CMI guides for business.”

1.    A Guide for Business: Carbon Decision Making and Risk Management.
2.    A Guide for Business: An Analysis of Carbon Units.
3.    A Guide for Business: Carbon Trading and Procurement.

To produce new thinking and avoid boiler plated outputs, CMI is encouraging collaborative responses, thus bringing together market participants who traditionally may not otherwise join forces.

“This type of model was successfully employed in the CMI’s February 2012 publication Implementing the Carbon Farming Initiative: A Guide for Business, a multi-disciplinary collaboration between the law firm Norton Rose and the carbon project developer RAMP Carbon,” says Vas.

The impact of CMI’s 2011-12 program of research has been positive and pervasive across the CMI program, providing a platform for the majority of the Institute’s activities.

“The release of the Institute’s research publications has formed the basis for a significant number of CMI communications and events, providing opportunities for stakeholder engagement with a wide range of market participants in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Europe,” he says.

The Institute’s education and training program has also benefitted as intellectual property from the research program is being used in the development of new curriculum and as a basis to develop commercial offerings in this area.

The Carbon Decision Making and Risk Management: A Guide for Business Request for Tender document can be downloaded from the research page of the CMI’s website: http://www.carbonmarketinstitute.org/research/

CMI’s successful program of research in 2011-12 included:

  • Australia’s Clean Energy Legislative Package: A Guide for Business – authored by Baker & McKenzie.
  • Implementing the Carbon Farming Initiative: A Guide for Business – authored by Norton Rose and RAMP Carbon.
  • Carbon Market Integrity: A review of the Australian Carbon Pricing Mechanism – authored by Bond University and peer reviewed by Baker & McKenzie.
  • Reporting and Accounting Requirements for the Australian Carbon Market: A Guide for Business – authored by Ernst & Young and the University of Melbourne.
  • Evolution of the Australian Carbon Market: Lessons from commodity and financial markets – authored by PwC.

The tender for Carbon Decision Making and Risk Management: A Guide for Business closes at 5 pm AEST on Friday, 31 August 2012.

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