Swire Properties ranked amongst Asia’s leaders in sustainability study

Swire Properties on Wednesday welcomed recognition from Channel NewsAsia 2014 Sustainability Ranking, which ranked the company for its strong sustainability performance. Swire Properties is the only Hong Kong property developer to receive this recognition amongst the 100 ranked sustainable companies in Asia.

In co-operation with research firm Sustainalytics and consultancy firm CSR Asia, regional broadcaster Channel NewsAsia conducted the ranking report to identify leading firms in corporate sustainability on the basis of their performance in environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance.

“Through its strong commitment to investing in sustainable buildings, Swire Properties has shown not only a mature awareness of key industry trends, but also that it is moving strategically to capitalise on the opportunities presented, ahead of many peer,” the report commented. “Based on its overall ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance relative to peers, the company is considered an industry leader. ”

“It is an honour to have our sustainability efforts recognised,” said Cary Chan, Swire Properties’ General Manager of Technical Services and Sustainability. “We incorporate sustainable design throughout the lifecycles of all the company’s new developments and redevelopment projects, from planning and design through to construction and operation. While we endeavour to create economic value, Swire Properties always believes equally in the importance of creating social value that has a positive effort on the people who live and work in our communities.”

Swire Properties currently has 24 HK-BEAM, BEAM Plus and 5 LEED Platinum and Gold-certified projects in its portfolio. The company has increased its total gross floor area in Hong Kong by 16.7 per cent while achieving a simultaneous 13.1 per cent energy reduction since 2001. The company has also devoted significant resources to kindling community cohesion through investment in arts and culture, educational and environmental programmes and volunteer opportunities.

The Channel NewsAsia 2014 Sustainability Ranking listed out the top 100sustainable companies in Asia and highlighted the top 20 Asian companies as well as the top 3 companies in each economy. Territories covered in the ranking include Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.To find out more about Swire Properties’ efforts in corporate sustainability, please visit the company’s Sustainable Development Report site at: http://www.swireproperties.com/en/sustainability/reports.aspx.

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