Sunseap Group launches SAVE Campaign

Sunseap unveiled its first marketing campaign simply titled, “SAVE” in line with the company’s launch of their clean energy retail offering. Sunseap conducted extensive surveys, and “SAVE” reflects the insights of many individuals’ and corporations’ desire to help protect the environment and fight climate change and save in the process of doing so – a mind-set that is aligned at the very core with the company’s ethos.

The heavy reliance on the burning of fossil fuels has led to the rise in carbon dioxide levels and global warming. While many businesses wish do their part to save the environment for future generations and at the same time, save on electrical bills or upfront cost, many do not find ready solutions.

More, recently, listed corporations have also been mandated by Singapore Exchange (SGX) to publish sustainability reports by 2017/2018.

Frank Phuan, Managing Director of Sunseap Group, explained, “Sunseap’s SAVE campaign will make clean energy more accessible to everyone. Regardless of which industry the business lies in or whichever energy retailer the business is buying power from, anyone can utilize clean energy readily at competitive prices without any upfront costs. Building owners can save electricity bills via an on-site power purchase agreement (PPA) with Sunseap and the solar systems can be installed on the rooftop to provide competitively priced clean energy in the day.”

Kicking off as one of the early adopters of the SAVE Campaign is Panasonic Appliances Refrigeration Devices Singapore (Panasonic), where Sunseap has installed a 2.4 MW system, spanning more than 20,000 square meters of rooftop area.

In order to put the size of this project into perspective, the 2.4 MWp system is able to power close to 7,000 HDB households with its annual energy generation capacity of more than 3 Gigawatt hours (GWh). As a huge power consumer with operations running 24 hours all year round, Panasonic is able to offset close to 10 per cent of its peak energy needs. At the same time, this project will further demonstrate Panasonic’s commitment towards environmental sustainability. Sunseap hopes this project to be the first of many other collaborations with Panasonic to come.

Atsunao Terasaki, Managing Director, Panasonic Appliances Refrigeration Devices Singapore, said, “This is the first time Panasonic is participating in a solar leasing agreement with a clean energy provider. Our partnership with Sunseap reflects the company’s commitment in integrating environmental sustainability with business growth. With the government’s vision to utilise solar energy to power 5% of Singapore’s peak electricity demand by 2020, we hope this will encourage more businesses and industries to adopt solar.”

Other than Panasonic, Housing Development Board (HDB), Singapore American School, ABB, Sakae Holdings and Jurong Port are just some names that have taken that step to save the environment with Sunseap.

Through the SAVE campaign, Sunseap hopes to create awareness of the cost efficiencies of solar energy in Singapore and invoke action to revolutionize the local energy supply to help SAVE the environment, reduce carbon footprint and electrical bills at the same time

Lawrence Wu, Director of Sunseap Group, “Sunseap’s unique proposition of providing clean energy accumulated from rooftop farms scattered across the island will continue allow clients to enjoy the benefits of renewable energy even without installing solar energy systems on limited roof spaces and in a country where land is extremely scarce and precious. Sunseap can now potentially offset 100% of anyone’s electricity carbon footprint - something deemed impossible in the past. This is made possible with Sunseap clean energy retail offering.”

The journey of Solarizing Singapore is being catalyzed by Sunseap as it has installed solar systems on building rooftops and this is fast reaching the thousandth mark, and in doing so the power grid is being “greenified” as there is a large amount of clean energy being fed into the grid. As a Market Participant Retailer (MPR) authorised by Energy Market Authority (EMA) and registered with the Energy Market Company (EMC), Sunseap is able to resell the clean energy generated via their off-site generation solar plants to contestable consumers who are interested procuring electricity from a clean energy producer.

Deploying a 1 MW solar system (estimated one football field area) is equivalent to reducing 500 tons of carbon emission or planting 20,000 trees in Singapore each year. As such, Sunseap’s 80MW of contracted capacity translates to helping SAVE Singapore 400,000 tons of carbon emission annually, savings for it’s clients and is equivalent to planting 1.6 million trees each year.

The SAVE campaign by Sunseap is timely as a key meeting dubbed COP21, held in Paris in early December 2015, will see the world’s leaders congregate for “a new international agreement on the climate, applicable to all countries, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius.”

About Sunseap Group

Sunseap Group is the leading solar energy system developer, owner and operator in Singapore. It operates through 3 key units; Sunseap Leasing, Sunseap International and Sunseap Energy. Sunseap Leasing is the first and largest solar leasing company in Singapore, while International targets regional markets with a similar business model. Sunseap Energy provides clean energy solutions utilizing off-site arrangements by drawing on solar systems within the Group’s portfolio of distributed generation assets. This unique, fully licensed business model with an established base of generating capacity allow companies and organizations looking into sustainability to utilize clean energy even if their buildings are not suitable for on-site solar installations. Visit the company online at

Media enquiries:
Brandon Lee, Email: Mobile: +65 92392952
Sebastian Wang, Email: Mobile: +65 98448837

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