Speakers for Velo-City Global 2014 confirmed

Three keynote speakers have been confirmed for Velo-city Global 2014, the world’s premier international cycling planning conference that will be hosted in Adelaide next year.

Janette Sadik-Khan, New York City’s Department of Transportation Commissioner, Mikael Colville-Anderson, CEO of Copenhagenize and Ethan Kent, Vice President, Project for Public Spaces (PPS) will present to delegates from around the world on best practices for creating and sustaining cycling-friendly cities where bicycles are valued as part of daily transport and recreation.

Lord Mayor Stephen Yarwood said the speakers were internationally recognised and respected experts in cities.

“The three speakers have brought about significant change in cities throughout the world, including converting some of the busiest parts of New York City to pedestrian and cyclist zones, building the cycling culture that Copenhagen is now famous for, and working to support Placemaking projects and organisations around the world.

“Adelaide Velo-city Global 2014 will be much more than just a conference. We are planning a range of community events, activities and programs during the conference and beyond.

“As well as delivering an economic boost to the state, it will cement Adelaide’s reputation as a vibrant, cycle-friendly city. More people on their bikes will lead to healthier community and city,” Stephen said.

Minister for Road Safety Michael O’Brien MP said that hosting Adelaide Velo-city Global 2014 will raise the importance of improving safety for cyclists.

“Some of the most respected and intelligent minds when it comes to planning and improving our city’s cycling network will be sharing their expertise.

“Hosting the conference right here in Adelaide will help us plan improvements to cycling infrastructure to ensure greater safety, which will spur on even more people to take up cycling,” he said.

Current cycling projects include the Frome Street Bikeway which will incorporate separated kerb-side bike lanes and street upgrades, the continued installation of bike boxes that give cyclists right of way at busy city intersections, reallocating road space to create buffers between cars and bike lanes, and the greening of bike lanes into and throughout the city.

To find out more about Adelaide Velo-city Global 2014, please go to www.velocity2014.com.

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