Sompo Japan Nipponkoa and NGOs improve wellbeing in communities

Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc. is launching a community contribution project, which will expand the scope of the company’s existing biodiversity initiative, the SAVE JAPAN Project, to include the areas of “Security, Health and Wellbeing” and “Education and Life.”

This new project will extend overseas to launch a road safety project in Indonesia, and a maternal and child health project in Myanmar. In Japan, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa will newly launch a puppet show and an experience-oriented workshop on disaster prevention.

1. Overview of the community contribution project

Through the community contribution project, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa will strive to contribute to solving social issues in the areas of “Environment,” “Security, Health and Wellbeing,” and “Education and Life” by furthering collaboration with NGOs/NPOs. The company donates project funds as customers sign up for the “web-based insurance clause” option for car insurance, or actually use recycled parts for vehicle repairs in case of an accident.

2. Overview of newly launched projects

(1) Puppet shows and experience-oriented workshops on disaster prevention

In collaboration with the NPO Plus Arts and Yumemi Trunk, puppet shows and experience-oriented workshops on disaster prevention will be carried out around Japan with the aim of widely sharing disaster prevention knowledge and actions with citizens.

The first event was held during the Puppet Festival on October 12 and 13, at the Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Puppet Theater.

(2) Road safety project in Indonesia

A road safety project will be carried out in Bandung, West Java, in collaboration with Save the Children Japan and Save the Children International, Indonesia office.

Road safety is becoming an important social issue in Indonesia where motorization is increasing rapidly. Concerning the current situation, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa will provide road safety training to students from among 30 elementary and junior high schools, as well as local citizens, over the next four years, utilizing know-how and experience from Japan in the prevention and reduction of road accidents. Advocacy will also be carried out, urging the Government to improve traffic infrastructure around schools. A project-launching ceremony will be held in Bandung on October 30.

(3) Maternal and child health project in Myanmar

In collaboration with Save the Children Japan and Save the Children International, Myanmar office, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa will carry out a project that provides health education to pregnant women, and trains midwives and their assistants. The goal is to improve maternal and child health in rural areas given the fact that maternal and under-5 infant mortality rates are much higher in Myanmar than in neighboring countries in Southeast Asia – and 90 per cent of these deaths occur outside urban areas.

3. Future plans

Sompo Japan Nipponkoa will continue to strive to realize a resilient and sustainable society, working to solve social issues through collaboration with multi-stakeholders, including customers, NGOs/NPOs.

Please see the following link for details about the community contribution project’s official website:

Please see the following link for details about the projects in Indonesia and Myanmar. The official website of Save the Children Japan (

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