Sindicatum wins Green Business Awards 2011

Sindicatum Sustainable Resources Group is pleased to announce that it has won two prestigious Green Business Awards (, for excellence in the Renewable Energy and Carbon Reduction categories. The awards were presented at a ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on 1 November 2011.

The Green Business Awards are prestigious and high-profile awards celebrating excellence in green practice, strategy and products. They seek out and scrutinize the most innovative, ambitious and effective initiatives by businesses for achieving environmental sustainability, and implementing smart business practice.  Sindicatum competed with major corporations such as Thames Water, Drax Power and Tarmac. Other awards participants included Marks & Spencer, Samsung, the Co-operative Society and E.On.

Sindicatum Group CFO, Michael Boardman said: “We are very proud of having been selected by the judges as winners of both awards - the award in the Renewable Energy category is particularly poignant, in light of the current events in Thailand: we are contributing to the relief effort in the country not just by continuing successfully to produce clean power despite the adverse weather conditions but also by contributing financially and materially to the relief effort in our local communities.   Awards and recognition from organisations such as the Green Business Awards allow us to intensify our efforts and motivate further our staff in this difficult environment.”

Other awards won by Sindicatum in 2011 include the Carbon Finance Transaction of the Year award by Environmental Finance (see and the Most Progressive Corporate Leader award by the Association for Sustainable & Responsible Investment in Asia, awarded to Assaad Razzouk, on behalf of the company (see and

About Sindicatum Sustainable Resources Group

Sindicatum develops, operates and finances projects that reduce greenhouse gases in certain industries and produce sustainable resources (clean energy, biogas, biomass, water and physical commodities) and emission reductions and other environmental commodities.  Sindicatum provides the in-house expertise and finance required to originate, develop and operate such projects throughout their development and operational lifetime.   Sindicatum’s projects fall into four keys sectors: agricultural solutions, municipal waste to energy, coal mine methane and low carbon energy and include the development and operation of 33 fully financed projects worldwide.

The theme of resource scarcity is central to Sindicatum’s strategy. Sindicatum believes that, globally, economic development (and thus increasing demand for resources) will continue to strain natural resources worldwide.  Sindicatum’s investment thesis is based on the premise that such macro-trends will have an extremely important influence on the pricing of increasingly scarce resources such as energy, water, agricultural resources and clean air.  Consequently Sindicatum’s aim is to produce long term supplies of these sustainable products.

Sindicatum’s investors include three leading US university endowments, five prominent US charitable foundations and global financial institutions representing the commodity, banking, insurance and alternative investment sectors.

For more information on Sindicatum visit

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