Shell “knew of climate change danger” since 1991 - Greenpeace response

A film in 1991, produced by Shell, shows that the oil giant has long known about the catastrophic risks of climate change.

The film, titled Climate of Concern, was obtained by the Correspondent, a Dutch online journalism platform, and published in The Guardian’s article ‘Shell knew’: oil giant’s 1991 film warned of climate change danger.

In response, Desiree Llanos Dee, Climate Justice Campaigner for Greenpeace Philippines, said:

“Exxon knew. Shell knew. Now we must get to the bottom of what other fossil majors know and what they plan to do to avert catastrophic climate change. Shell’s empty rhetoric on climate is wholly contradicted by the core assumption underlying its business plans - global temperature increases in excess of 3°C and its lobbying against measures to mitigate climate change.

“Shell and other big fossil fuel companies will soon have to explain in public hearings in the Philippines how they have contributed to climate change, what human rights have been violated as a result, and how they will remedy and prevent future harm. This is part of the growing global movement of people demanding that our rights to a stable climate and healthy environment are protected.”

Shell is one of 47 carbon majors [1] being investigated in the world’s first national inquiry into the responsibility of the fossil fuel industry and others for human rights impacts resulting from climate change, being conducted by the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines. [2] Hearings are expected to begin in September this year.

The national inquiry in the Philippines is one of the many people-powered legal actions related to climate change initiated around the globe, from Indigenous Peoples in Canada, ‘Senior Women for Climate Protection’ in Switzerland, farmers from Peru and Pakistan, to youth in the United States and Norway, and Dutch and Belgian citizens. [3] In each of these cases, people are pushing back using the power of the law, because governments and fossil fuel companies are failing to protect and respect human rights.

Greenpeace has led a high-profile campaign against Shell, which has included “kay-activists” in Portland, USA blocking an Arctic bound vessel; and pressure towards LEGO for using Shell branded products. In 2014, the toy company ended its relationship with Shell.

In 2015, the oil giant abandoned drilling operations in the Arctic. -ENDS-


Notes to editors:

[1] Briefing paper: Who is responsible for climate change?

[2] The Climate Change and Human Rights Petition—abuses-from-climate-change/The-Climate-Change-and-Human-Rights-Petition/

[3] For more information on the ongoing people-powered climate-related cases, please see:

Media contacts:

×Desiree Llanos Dee, Climate Justice Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia;, +63 998 595 9733

×Therese Salvador, Media Relations Coordinator, Greenpeace Southeast Asia;, +63 927 822 8734

×Greenpeace International Press Desk,, phone: +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours)

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