S & W Power Inc. signs MOU for 50 Megawatts PV System (Bulacan) and MOA for 5 Megawatts (Daet, Camarines Norte)

S & W Power Inc. (a Philippine Based Company with Korean Owners) represented by Mr. Leekyu Kim – Chairman and Mr. Kwang Hyun Kim – Vice President, signed last December 27 2012 a Memorandum of Understanding to build a USD190 Million Photovoltaic Power Plant in Bulacan with Paombong City Poultry Corporation represented by Mr. Marcelino D. Marcos Jr.- Vice President, and witnessed by Honorable Mayor Donato D. Marcos. Under this MOU, S&W Power Inc. will provide the necessary finances, technical study, installations, and O&M of the system while Paombong City Poultry Corporation will provide approximately 77 hectares of land as the land requirements of the said project. Honorable Mayor Donato D. Marcos has been giving his support and extends his assistance to pursue this project.

Aside from the project in Bulacan, S & W Power Inc. represented by Mr. Leekyu Kim – Chairman and Mr. Kwang Hyun Kim – Vice President also signed last December 28 2012 a Memorandum of Agreement to build a USD19 Million Photovoltaic Power Plant in Daet, Camarines Norte with Mr. Gillaberto Ella.

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