Preparing cities for an energy smart future

IBC Asia, Informa’s Asian business arm, has announced its 4th Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities conference, which will take place in Singapore from 25– 28 September 2012.

According to the latest World Energy Outlook report, primary energy demand will increase by a third by 2035 with Asia expected to remain the world’s largest energy consumer.

Faced with the challenge of this ever increasing consumption of energy, the need for government, communities, industries and citizens to manage energy costs, has never been so important today.

Focusing on the central theme of “Practical integration and application of Smart Energy in grids and cities”, IBC Asia’s 4th Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities Summit will bring together government agencies, regulators, utilities, industries, energy technology, ICT and service providers from across the Asia Pacific region, to discuss the key issues driving investment in low carbon technologies, reducing energy costs, and measures to build a smart energy future.

International case studies showcasing smart energy applications and pilot projects include:

  1. Australia’s Smart Community in Townsville Queensland
  2. Philippine’s smart metering and grid performance improvement
  3. India’s distribution automation planning and implementation
  4. Australia’s smart metering regulations and market developments
  5. International Microgrid pilots including Singapore’s Pulau Ubin, China’s First Microgrid Powered University in Xiamen and the Palawan Philippines Microgrid
  6. On and off-grid solar energy integration and solutions to power commercial, residential and industrial communities and their cost savings
  7. Singapore’s smart transportation and EV initiatives
  8. Japan and Australia’s smart energy homes
  9. Singapore’s Singtel M2M rollout of smart technologies

Richard Schomberg – Group VP of Smart Energy Standards from EDF and Chairman of the Smart Grid Strategic Group of the IEC –will be chairing the conference and will include an update on the latest and forthcoming standards and regulations supporting smart energy in Europe and across the globe.

Mr Schomberg will be joined by a stellar faculty of smart energy speakers from Europe, the United States and across Asia Pacific, including:

  1. Ahmad Zairin Ismail, Acting CEO, Malaysian Green Technology Corporation, Malaysia
  2. Philip Keogan, Executive General Manager, Energy Sustainability and Market Development, Ergon Energy, Australia
  3. Alfredo S. Panlilio,Vice President & Head of Customer Retail Services, Manila Electric Company (Meralco), Philippines
  4. Chen Shuin, Head of Research & Development, Sarawak Energy, Malaysia
  5. Alex Cruikshank, Head of Energy Regulation, AGL Energy Australia
  6. Markson Tang, Executive Director, Daily Life Renewable Energy, Singapore
  7. Kanya Ishii, Head of Smart Energy House Project, Osaka Gas, Japan
  8. Christophe Inglin, Managing Director, Phoenix Solar, Singapore
  9. Frank Phuan, Director, Sunseap Enterprise & Sunseap Leasing, Singapore
  10. Sudarshan Saini, Vice President (Commercial), Tata Power Delhi Distribution, India
  11. Anthony Rajamanickam, Specialist Telecommunication System, TNB, Malaysia
  12. Nguyen The Huu, Deputy Director of Planning & Demand Supply Balance & Monitoring Department, Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam
  13. Frederick E. Lacroix, Chairman & CEO, The Power Source Group LLC, US
  14. Jasling Ong, Business Development Manager, M2M, Singtel Singapore
  15. Anuj Jain,Managing Director, Bosch Software Innovations, Singapore
  16. Dr Markus Steingröver, Managing Partner, Detecon Asia-Pacific, Thailand
  17. Tim Lindquist, CEO, Portus, Australia
  18. Anish Garg, Joint Director (Performance Standards & Engineering), Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission, India
  19. Fengyan Zhang, Director, School of Energy Research, Xiamen University, China
  20. Duncan Botting, Managing Director, Global Smart Transformation, UK
  21. Thomas Kessler, Head of Business Development, Detecon Asia-Pacific, Thailand
  22. Thomas Jakob, Managing Consultant, TEGEOS, Singapore
  23. Sridhar Samudrala, Executive Director, Asia, World Alliance for Decentralized Energy, India

For more information, please visit or contact the organisers at +65-65082400 / +65-65082401 or at

For media enquiries, please contact Ms Eileen David at +65-65082458 / +65-65082400 or at

About the Organisers

IBC Asia is part of the Informa Group, the largest publicly-owned organiser of conferences, exhibitions, and training courses in the world, with an output of over 12,000 events annually. Informa publishes over 2,500 subscription-based information services including academic journals, real-time news and structured databases of commercial intelligence. Informa’s book business has more than 55,000 academic and business titles in print.

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