Pilot International rewards global innovators through an international awards ceremony

The world clean technology summit from 26-28 September in Kampala, Uganda, concluded with an international awards ceremony to celebrate the 2012 award winners of the Global Pilot Awards.

The event was presided over by The State Minister for Environment Hon. Flavia Munaaba who congratulated the winners and assured them of her support. She later bestowed the awards upon the winners.

The winners were: Chris Adam from Germany who took the Environmental Award; Proscovia Nalukwago Ssebunya who won the Energy Efficiency Award; Eskom Uganda won the Green Award; and SCOUL’s two projects won the Clean Energy and Corporate Social Responsibility awards.

According to the President & CEO Pilot International, the hosting institution, Ms. Robinah K. Nanyunja, “Pilot International pledges to continue providing a global platform to promote sustainability, clean energy as well as production of world green economies through strategic activities and events delivering global solutions, as well as rewarding all those projects, individuals and organizations who are really making a difference in their communities”.

More information: http://pilotinternationalconferences.com/2012globalpilotawards.html


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