NRF opens call for high impact scientific research projects under the competitive research programme funding scheme

  • 9th Competitive Research  Programme (CRP) call for  proposals opens for high impact scientific research projects
  • Latest call comprises two tracks – a  general call for proposals in science and technology research, and a thematic call for energy-related research under the National Innovation Challenge on Energy Resilience for Sustainable Growth

1. The National Research  Foundation (NRF) is inviting submission of research
proposals for the 9th CRP call. The CRP aims to fund a broad range of research
ideas at the programme level to build up Singapore’s research capabilities.

2. This latest request-for-proposal comprises two tracks. Track A will be a
general call for proposals in all areas of science and technology, excluding projects
related to biomedical sciences or energy research.

3. The Energy Innovation Challenge Directorate (EICD) was established by NRF
in Feb 2011 to catalyse significant changes in Singapore’s  energy landscape in a
whole-of-government effort  to meet the National Innovation Challenge of Energy
Resilience for Sustainable Growth (Energy NIC). Track B will be a thematic call
under the newly launched Energy NIC. Proposals in Track B should be related to the
aim of the Energy NIC to develop cost-competitive energy solutions for deployment
within 20 years to help Singapore improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon
emissions and increase energy options.  (More information on the CRP Funding
Scheme’s 9th grant call is available in the Annexes.)

4. A multi-disciplinary  approach is strongly encouraged for all submitted
proposals, as is partnership with industry and academia. Proposals will be evaluated
based on research excellence, manpower capability development potential, relevant
to industry and with economic impact.

5. The CRP grant will offer  funding support for programmes over three to five
years and capped at a funding quantum of S$10 million. Stronger justifications on
the economic contribution would be required for proposals requesting more than

6. The grant application will close on 31  Jan 2012. Interested applicants are
invited to submit a White Paper at the NRF’s grant administration portal – the
Research, Innovation and Technology  Administration system or RITA at  2

The National Research Foundation (NRF)

The National Research Foundation (NRF), set up on 1 January 2006, is a
department within the Prime Minister’s Office. The NRF sets the national direction for
research and development (R&D) by developing policies, plans and strategies for
research, innovation and enterprise. It also funds strategic initiatives and builds up
R&D capabilities and capacities by nurturing local talents and attracting foreign ones.
In addition to coordinating the research  agenda of different agencies to transform
Singapore into a knowledge-intensive, innovative  and entrepreneurial  economy, it
also provides secretariat support to the Research, Innovation and Enterprise Council
(RIEC), chaired by the Prime Minister. The NRF aims to transform Singapore into a
vibrant R&D hub that contributes towards  a knowledge-intensive, innovative and
entrepreneurial economy; and make Singapore a talent magnet for scientific and
innovation excellence. For more information, please visit

Energy Innovation Challenge Directorate (EICD)

The EICD was established by NRF in Feb 2011 to catalyse significant changes in
Singapore’s energy landscape in a whole-of-government effort to meet the National
Innovation Challenge of “Energy Resilience for Sustainable Growth” (Energy NIC).
The Energy NIC will harness the vibrant energy R&D base in Singapore to develop
innovative solutions to meet the objectives of competitiveness, energy security and
environmental sustainability. As part of the Energy NIC, NRF  will embark on the
development of technology roadmaps in areas such as smart grids, carbon capture
and utilisation, green buildings and renewables.

For media queries, please contact:
Ms Cheryl Loh
Head, Corporate Communications
National Research Foundation
Tel: 9880 5507
DID: 6684 2928

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