New Whitepaper: Improve your business through carbon management

Recent global surveys conducted by ASDA and Bain & Company have found that a lion’s share of respondents - regardless of gender, age, location and income level - care more about sustainability now than three years before.[1]

In fact, consumers expect business to do more to win their patronage and they don’t mind paying a bit more to support those who go green.[2]

While many businesses are hearing this, few have access to credible, practical tips on how to make the most of this trend for their business.

Case studies are a great way to learn what other like-minded organisations are doing to meet their customers’ expectations and more broadly to gain business value through their sustainability initiatives.

In the recent whitepaper “Why manage your emissions?” Climate Friendly asked some of its top clients how they improved their business through carbon management. There are clear business and environmental benefits from taking action to reduce carbon emissions: “Being carbon neutral I was able to push a large supermarket to increase the number of Republica products on the shelves from one to seven. The range is also supplied to two major airlines, where our ethical position helped us win these contracts.”– Jacqueline Arias, Republica Coffee.

Discover how real business people have benefited from managing their emissions. Download Climate Friendly’s latest whitepaper from the website homepage:

About Climate Friendly

Climate Friendly helps businesses globally to generate real commercial value from their sustainability programs. We deliver improvements in customer acquisition and retention, brand value, stakeholder engagement and risk management. Climate Friendly has staff ranging from project developers to marketing and communications experts, backed by ten years of experience.

For interviews and further information, contact:

Jacqueline Arias
Founder of Republica Coffee
T: 02 97007755

Sally Castle
Marketing Director, Climate Friendly
T: +61 414 099 534


[1] Romilly Madew, Green Building Council of Australia, 2013,

[2] , Mike Hower, Sustainable Brands, 2013,

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