New website all about cooling towers

The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating, assisted by the Victorian government, has launched an online resource, to calculate efficiency of water in cooling towers.

AIRAH chief operations officer Neil Cox said it is estimated that cooling towers can account for about 30 per cent of a site’s total water use.

“Given that water is becoming an increasingly valuable – and expensive – resource in parts of Australia, it makes sense to be able to assess a cooling tower’s water use,” Mr Cox said. “This is especially important when simple adjustments to cooling towers can save substantial amounts of water and money.”

Mr Cox said there is an estimated 30,000 cooling towers operating in the country, many using between 5000 to 10,000 litres per day. This equates to more than 150,000 million litres nationally, which is about the same amount of water used by 200,000 homes.

He said the site supplied solid data on water use in cooling towers, and would also be a repository of information and resources about cooling towers that will be added to over time with the latest case studies and information.

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