Nano Thermal Barrier Paint “Planet Supra” 19% cooler than Ceramic Coating, says Bridgestone

From May 15th to May 22nd 2012, tire manufacturer Bridgestone conducted a side-by-side comparative trial of Planet Supra and a Ceramic Coating imported from Japan.

The trial demonstrated that Planet Supra made metal sheet roofs up to 8°C or 19.3% cooler than ceramic coating.

The trial area was a metal sheet roof at Bridgestone’s facility located in the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate in Rayong, Thailand. The total project size is 840sqm and will be completed in the first week of July.

Planet Supra nano Thermal Barrier Paint is a 21st century nanotechnology heat reflective coating based on nano hollow silica beads. It is often benchmarked against ceramic coatings which use a more conventional technology relying on micro hollow ceramic beads.

Thank to nanotechnology manufacturing processes, Planet Supra offers a higher insulating performance, longer lifespan and more added value than ceramic coating. Added value includes carbon offset certification, self-cleaning (nano TiO2), anti-mold and fungi, availability in all colors, availability in matte and glossy finish.

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