Leading Speakers in the CSR roundtable in Dubai by the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) in partnership with LG

CSE held successfully delivered  on the  13th and 14th of March in Dubai the global Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training (IEMA Approved), followed by an insightful roundtable with distinguished guests expanding the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility

Leading Guest speakers, Ibrahim Al-Zu’bi, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Majid Al Futtaim, Zack H. Abdi, the Chairman of the CSR Subgroup of the Dubai Quality Group, Vinod Sivaraman, Senior Manager LG Electronics and Aglaia Ntili, Global Trainings and Partnership Manager, from CSE discussed the importance of “How to Measure and Communicate the Social and Environmental Impacts of your Initiatives”, through best practice examples and introduced new strategic methodologies and tools

The training and roundtable were hosted and delivered in partnership with LG, which for the first time ever opened its Training Academy to the public. The LG Training Academy, being the 1st LEED GOLD certified multiple-building facility in the Middle East was a perfect match to the Sustainability training concept.

The training and round table following CSE mission of taking CSR on step further in the region, brought together leading professionals, eager in further developing and enhancing their business strategies though CSR frameworks, including Crown Prince Court, Government of Dubai, Dutco Balfour Betty, Dulsco, Abraaj Capital, Mott MacDonald, Inara trading, Green Emirates, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, which acted as a melting pot and brought to the surface different views and best practices on how to communicate CSR initiatives. Besides bringing new innovating paths to the development of CSR, CSE presence in the Middle East once again was embraced leaving a taste of its international expertise and professionalism to the region’s professionals engaged in making CSR vision reality.

CSE upcoming trainings in the Middle include:

GRI Certified Training on Reporting (Dubai, 15&16 May, 2013)

Certified Carbon Strategy Practitioner (Dubai, 12 & 13 June, 2013) IEMA Approved

Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training (Abu Dhabi, 24 & 25 November 2013) IEMA Approved

GRI Certified Training on Reporting (Oman, 27 & 28 November, 2013)

GRI Certified Training on Reporting (Abu Dhabi, 08 & 09 December, 2013)

CSE is an official GRI training partner for MENA region and it has trained more than 500 high profile professionals from prestigious organizations since 2005 including The SAVOLA Group, Dubai Customs, Borouge, ADGAS, ENOC, NCB, Landmark Group, DEWA, Majid Al Futtaim, Al Hosn Gas, Goumbook, ZAIN.

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is a global Sustainability (CSR) strategic consulting and training organization with activities in 28 countries
For more information please contact:

Aglaia Ntili

Global Training & Partnerships Manager

Email: development@cse-net.org

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