IWC offering 50 partial scholarships to study Integrated Water Management

In the context of current economic downturn, the International WaterCentre (IWC) is seeking new ways to support the world’s future water leaders.

IWC is now offering partial-tuition scholarships to the first 50 students who enrol in an Integrated Water Management program (Masters, Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate) for 2012.

The scholarship is available to Australian and international students who do not receive any external full-tuition scholarship or full-tuition funding from other sources.

Each partial scholarship is valued at $5,000 for the whole Masters program, payable per semester towards tuition fees. Flexibility in program delivery is provided through students being able to study full-time or part-time/distance. Three new specialisation streams will be offered in 2012 including International development; Water, land and people; and Urban water.

To benefit from this partial scholarship, you need to:
1. apply for the program
2. receive an unconditional offer package from The University of Queensland (and accept it)
3. be one of the first 50 students to enrol in the program (enrolments open in Dec 2011/Jan 2012)

For further details and information on deadlines, see:

Contact: email | phone +61 7 3123 7766

In the context of current economic downturn, the International WaterCentre (IWC) is seeking new ways to support the world’s future water leaders.

IWC is now offering partial-tuition scholarships to the first 50 students who enrol in an Integrated Water Management program (Masters, Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate) for 2012.

The scholarship is available to Australian and international students who do not receive any external full-tuition scholarship or full-tuition funding from other sources.

Each partial scholarship is valued at $5,000 for the whole Masters program, payable per semester towards tuition fees. Flexibility in program delivery is provided through students being able to study full-time or part-time/distance. Three new specialisation streams will be offered in 2012 including International development; Water, land and people; and Urban water.

To benefit from this partial scholarship, you need to:

  1. apply for the program
  2. accept your offer/place into the program
  3. be one of the first 50 students to enrol in the program (enrolments open in Dec 2011/Jan 2012)

For further details and information on deadlines, see:

Contact: email | phone +61 7 3123 7766

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