IGEM 2016 to host region’s premiere solar PV conference

The 7th International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia (IGEM) will be hosting the region’s premier solar photovoltaic (PV) conference themed Bridging Key Performers. The two-day conference beginning 5 October 2016, jointly organised by the Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association (MPIA) and the Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA), will be officiated by the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

The conference is expected to gather 350 delegates from across the globe including industry players from Germany, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, India, Australia and ASEAN countries to discuss five key areas pertinent to the growth of the solar PV industry in the region, namely institutional policy and frameworks, trends and performance of PV systems, competency training and standards, business, finance and insurance as well as investment opportunities in PV-related manufacturing industry.

Speaking about the conference, the Minister of KeTTHA, Y.B. Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili said, “IGEM has proven to be a strategic platform for driving the growth of the solar PV industry over the last six years. With MPIA and APVIA organising the first solar conference at IGEM, I am confident that the industry will gain immense benefits from the insights and experience of the international speakers.”

The first day of the conference will see the presentation of exciting new emerging market opportunities for solar PV industry in countries such as China, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Thereafter, speakers from Solar Power Europe, China, Malaysia’s Energy Commission, Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology and Malaysia Green Building Confederation will discuss on matters related to institutional policy framework. A special business networking cocktail function for registered delegates will be held that evening.

On the second day, the first session will focus on trends and performance of PV systems featuring speakers including representatives from the German Solar Association, Thai-based LEONICS Company Limited and Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia’s largest electricity utility. The conference will also include a session on competency training and standards, featuring internationally renowned and experienced speakers from Global Sustainable Energy Solutions, China’s National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Solar Photovoltaic Product Quality and Thailand’s Naresuan University. Dr Sulaiman Shaari, Vice President of MPIA, a Master Trainer in PV and Associate Professor at Universiti Teknologi MARA will also be sharing insights during this session.

Concurrently, there will be several parallel sessions to address pressing issues on business, finance and insurance in the PV sector with the speakers drawn from representatives of banks and insurance companies, including Malaysia Debt Ventures, Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik and CIMB Howden Insurance Brokers.

The highlight of the maiden solar PV conference is a specially organised session titled “Investment Opportunities In Photovoltaic-related Manufacturing Industries in Malaysia”.This session will feature representatives from Malaysia Industrial Development Authority and Malaysia’s premier industrial parks including Kulim High Tech Park Kedah, Batu Kawan Eco City, Penang, Selangor Science Park, Malacca World Solar Valley and Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy, discussing the various opportunities and incentives for both domestic and foreign investors in solar PV related industries in their respective states.

Over the course of the two days, the conference will feature six panel discussions namely:

  • The Future of Electricity Supply Industry in ASEAN - Are We Ready for Distributed Generation?
  • PV Market Liberalisation: Towards Democratisation of Electric Supply Industry
  • Harmonising Utility Grid Management
  • Harmonising Training Competency and Standards in ASEAN
  • Bridging Gaps in Finance and Insurance in the PV industry
  • Success Stories, Issues and Challenges

About the upcoming conference, President of MPIA, Ahmad Shadzli Abdul Wahab said, “We are excited to be hosting this conference, themed “Bridging Key Performers”, at IGEM, one of the region’s largest green technology exhibition platform. The programme and line-up of speakers have been thoughtfully put together to ensure that our participants gain the most out of this two-day conference, covering all pertinent areas crucial to the development of the solar PV industry.”

The conference is priced at RM1,000 per delegate for local Malaysian participants and USD600 per foreign delegate. Early bird rates are available until 31 July, with a discounted price at RM800 per local delegate and USD500 per foreign delegate. Attractive discounts are available for active members from MPIA and APVIA.

IGEM 2016 exhibition

Apart from the conference, MPIA and APVIA will also be exhibiting at IGEM 2016 under the Solar Energy Zone, which sees the grouping of solar PV manufacturers and companies including JA Solar, First Solar, Malaysian Solar Resources, Pekat Solar and Asean Brown Boveri (ABB).

Organised by KeTTHA and co-organised by GreenTech Malaysia, IGEM 2016 is the region’s largest green technology business and innovation platform to promote the growth of the green technology sector. IGEM 2016 is themed Green Business for Sustainability and will be held from 5 to 8 October 2016 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Since inception in 2010, IGEM has generated an estimated RM8.8 billion in business leads, with 2015 recording the highest at RM1.98 billion. Overall, IGEM has attracted over 300,000 visitors from over 50 countries including delegates, dignitaries and companies from China, Germany, Japan, Norway, Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States of America.

This year’s IGEM expects to draw in over 350 exhibitors from over 30 countries and targets business leads of RM1.5 billion.

For more information about the conference and IGEM 2016, please visit www.igem.my

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