IAIA12 Updates

Updates for IAIA12: The International Association for Impact Assessment is the leading global network on best practice in the use of impact assessment for informed decision making regarding policies, programs, plans and projects.

1.  Preliminary Program Online

2.  Registration Open

3.  Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 January

4. Early-Bird Abstract Contest


1. Preliminary Program

The IAIA12 Preliminary Program is now available on IAIA’s website, or you can link to it directly at http://iaia.org/conferences/iaia12/documents/Prelimpro_12_web.pdf.  In the program, you will find detailed information about proposed theme forums, concurrent sessions, technical visits, training courses, social events, accommodations, and more.

Petrogal is a proud sponsor of IAIA12.


2.  Registration Open

Both online and PDF registration (http://iaia.org/conferences/iaia12/registration.aspx) forms are available on the IAIA12 site.


3. Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 January

The online submission form for IAIA12 paper/poster abstracts is available on the conference website (http://www.iaia.org/iaia12).  The abstract submission deadline is 31 January, 2012 – only 7 weeks from now!


4.  Early-Bird Abstract Contest

Authors of abstracts submitted by 31 December, 2011 will be entered into a drawing for a free IAIA12 conference registration.  There is no special entry form; all abstracts received through 31 December will be automatically entered.


IAIA was organized in 1980 to bring together researchers, practitioners, and users of various types of impact assessment from all parts of the world. IAIA involves people from many disciplines and professions. Our members include corporate planners and managers, public interest advocates, government planners and administrators, private consultants and policy analysts, university and college teachers and their students.

One of the unique features of IAIA is the mix of professions represented, which provides outstanding opportunities for interchange: to advance the state of the art and science of impact assessment in applications ranging from local to global to develop international and local capability to anticipate, plan and manage the consequences of development to enhance the quality of life for all.

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