Green productivity training for consultants and trainers

The Green Productivity Training for Consultants and Trainers (GP ToT) this year was held by Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) from 4 – 22 July in Taipei. The training was conducted by China Productivity Centre (CPC) of Taiwan which is co-hosting the Centre of Excellence on Green Productivity for Asia Pacific with APO, and supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China (ROC).

The Managing Director of VisionEdge Technologies and GAC Ventures, Mr. Patrick Chan, represented Singapore at the nomination of SPRING Singapore and attended the training session together with 21 other participants from a mix of national productivity organizations, training institutes and consulting firms across 14 other countries including Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of China, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

Green Productivity or GP, as a business and industry practice championed by APO since 1990s, addresses both productivity and sustainability needs, so that environmental and business performance gains can be achieved simultaneously with increased efficiency, material and cost savings, and therefore profitability.

The training covered a broad range of topics including

· Green Productivity (GP) Methodology, Tools & Techniques

· Green Productivity Diagnosis

· Material Flow Cost Analysis (MFCA) and ISO14051

· GP options e.g. 5S, 7W, 3R, Kaizan

· Green Factory

· Waste Recycling

· Clean Production

· Resource Recycling

· Green Energy

· Green Supply Chain

· Ishikawa/Fish-bone Diagram

· SWOT and Cross SWOT Analysis

The MFCA is a major tool under GP that traces and quantifies the flows and stocks of materials within an organization in physical and monetary units. It is not only applicable to large companies, but also SMEs, including service industries besides manufacturing firms. Any organizations in any sectors handling or consuming materials, energy or water can gain considerable benefits from MFCA.

The training covered in depth case studies, model company visit as well as case study company visits and consultancy studies, culminating in a 1.5 hour team presentation to company management on the study teams’ recommendations to help companies tap on GP and MFCA for both environmental performance, productivity improvement (through greater material/energy efficiency and cost reduction) and top & bottom-line improvement.

The training was conducted based on “Training the Trainers and Consultants” so trainers are expected to go back to their respective countries after the course to transfer knowledge and help in capacity building in GP and assist companies in their GP implementation. They will go back to their countries and work with business, industry and government partners in organizing seminars, workshops and conduct studies that will help in raising awareness, capacity building and knowledge transfer, consultancy project studies and implementation for companies, etc.

Mr. Patrick Chan was elected the class representative by his cohorts and selected at the end of the course as one of the best course participants who had demonstrated leadership and potential in green productivity training and consultancy.

Patrick is a Practising Management Consultant (PMC) and a PMC (Bilingual) accredited by Singapore Business Advisors and Consultants Council (SBACC) and also an accredited trainer under Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA). He has served as lead trainer for National Environment Agency for Environment Champion for Corporates, NGOs and Schools, and also Innovation Bootcamp for Nanyang Polytechnic.

For media queries please contact:

Patrick Chan, Mobile: +65 9456 2048

Email: /

VISIONEDGE Technologies

VISIONEDGE Technologies’ expertise spans across the new green economy assisting national and local government authorities, multi-lateral agencies and development banks, business enterprises, SMEs as well as NGOs and schools in project consultancy and advisory, capacity development training, green growth and productivity assessment with implementation, and growth acceleration and business facilitation. VT has an international portfolio of client companies, projects and partners spanning across Australia, China, India, Japan, Mongolia, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam and the US.

VT is currently engaged by Asian Development Bank (ADB) as its implementation consultant to design and roll out a Low Carbon Technology Marketplace (LCTM) for Asia Pacific (ADB RETA8105), and another waste-to-energy project with HKEx listed Dynagreen, a state-owned enterprise from China (ADB TA8245). VT has also been engaged by Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for the waste-to-energy feasibility study for Ulaanbaatar using the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Value for Money (VfM) framework for the government of Mongolia (GGGI-LPL-2015-496).

VT has also been engaged by the National Environment Agency (NEA) of Singapore to conduct Environment Champion training programs and advanced workshops for Schools, Corporates and NGOs, and has conducted innovation bootcamp training for Nanyang Polytechnic, training close to 1,000 executives and students over the last 2 years.

VT has an associate company GAC Ventures which operates a number of platforms that gives an extra edge to VT’s expertise. These include

-Cleantech Marketplace Forum

  • Connecting of cleantech companies with markets, projects, investment and financing, and through CTMF overseas roadshows and the flagship event Asia Pacific Cleantech Marketplace Forum.

-Green Trade Hub

  • An O2O (Online-to-offline) business exchange which not only promotes eco-products and environmental solutions to the international marketplace, but allows for 1-to-1 business matching of companies with 13 different markets across ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea by being plugged into the East Asia Business Exchange.

-IUIA China-Singapore Venture Accelerator

  • A cross-border platform jointly run by GAC and Beijing based International University Innovation Alliance (IUIA) backed by the China Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA), assisting early stage cleantech, fintech and ICT companies in growth acceleration, market access and investment/financing besides the use of physical office space and shared facilities.
  • In Singapore, GAC operates Growth Acceleration Centre providing physical co-working space and shared facilities as well as mentoring and business support for early and growth stage companies.

GAC is also one of the consortium partners involved in the Clark Green City, Philippines and China Suixi-Singapore Ecological Knowledge City projects.

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