Green energy awards seek sustainable energy pioneers in Asia

Ashden is today launching its call for entries for the 2016 Ashden Awards, offering the chance for sustainable energy pioneers in developing countries in Asia to receive global recognition for their efforts.

Entry to the awards is free, with six international winners receiving awards totalling £130,000 at a prestigious ceremony in London on 9 June 2016.

The Ashden Awards aim to uncover the most exciting sustainable energy trailblazers in Asia and elsewhere which are breaking new ground in increasing access to clean, safe energy.

Since the Awards were established in 2001, some 39 enterprises and programmes in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have won one of the internationally renowned awards, including 27 from India. The Indian winners have even formed their own organisation, the Ashden India Renewable Energy Collective, aiming to eradicate the vicious cycle of energy poverty in India and act as a unified voice for the sustainable energy sector.

The Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP) in Pakistan won an Ashden Award this year for having built 189 micro-hydro schemes, bringing electricity to around 365,000 people and transforming communities in the process.

SRSP’s CEO Masood Ul Mulk said: “It was like dawn breaking after a long gloomy night and the first rays of sun shining on white mountain peaks to hear that we were selected for an Ashden Award for making electricity accessible to communities whose life, already overwhelmed by isolation, had been made more miserable by floods, war and terrorism”.

There are two new international awards in 2016, one recognising efforts to use sustainable energy technologies to increase access to water in areas where it is currently lacking, and the other celebrating sustainable solutions that are changing how people travel around.

As well as the financial award, Ashden also provides winners with a wide-ranging package of support, tailor-made to their needs which could include business mentoring, sales and technical training, introductions to investors and help with communications.

For further information and to apply for a 2016 Award, visit

Or contact our Awards Administrator: + 44 20 7410 7023 email:

Media enquiries and images Ann Noon + 44 (0) 20 7630 2903

1. The Ashden Awards were set up in 2001 to champion practical, local energy solutions that cut carbon, protect the environment, reduce poverty and improve people’s lives. Since then they have rewarded and supported more than 180 winners across the UK and the developing world.

2. This year Ashden is offering international awards for:

  • Innovative financial mechanisms or business models for delivering sustainable energy
  • Increasing energy access
  • Clean energy for women and girls
  • Sustainable buildings
  • Sustainable energy and water
  • Sustainable travel

3. The 2015 Ashden Award winners were announced on 11 June this year. Find case studies, photos and videos of the winners here:

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