Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific receives Green Luminary Award 2016

Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific announced the winning of the Channel NewsAsia (CNA) Green Luminary Award 2016. The Award recognizes Fuji Xerox, among major companies in 40 Asian countries/region, for its excellence in employing green practices throughout its business value-chain, through the development of energy-saving and environmental-friendly solutions and services.

Yaz Kuroha, general manager, Management Quality Office of Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd, received the award on behalf of the company at the Luminary Awards 2016 dinner on March 30, 2016 at the Fullerton Hotel, Singapore. The event was graced by Special Guest Minister S Iswaran, the minister for Trade and Industry. There were over 230 guests from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Taiwan attending the event.

“Environmental consciousness is one of the ten Shared Values set forth by Fuji Xerox and commonly held by all the group companies and our employees,” said Kuroha on receiving the award. “This prestigious award has validated Fuji Xerox’s commitment and efforts toward how we approach our business as members of society and individuals built upon a fundamental respect for humanity. This award encourages us to take on the next level in raising the bar in environmental sustainability and achieve our 2020 target to reduce 30% C02 emission across our product whole-life-cycle from 2005 baseline.”

The Luminary Awards selection is a rigorous eight-month process comprising selection, nomination and evaluation. Recognizing the growing role of environmental sustainability in driving business success, the Green Luminary Award is bestowed upon Fuji Xerox for being an outstanding Asian leader in utilizing green practices in its main business practice.

A long-term advocate of eco-excellence, Fuji Xerox believes in contributing actively towards environmental conservation activities carried out by its customers and the society through its products and business activities. Placing harmony with the environment as its top business priority, the company extensively promotes the reduction of the environmental burden in each part of its business process including purchasing of parts, production, sales and distribution, as well as within the offices of its customers. Recognising growing concerns worldwide, the company has added a fourth goal, that of preserving ecosystems and biodiversity.

A leading English-language Asian TV news channel based in Singapore, CNA is running the Channel NewsAsia Luminary Awards for the sixth year, to recognize the best business minds in Asia, as well as to inspire and motivate the business community and industrialists to achieve excellence in their respective fields.

Besides the Green Luminary Award, the other three Award winners include notebook maker, ASUSTek Computer Inc for the Innovation Luminary Award, ride-sharing app Grab for the Future Business Luminary Award and Dr Jeffrey Cheah, chairman and founder, Sunway Group for the Lifetime Achievement Luminary Award.

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