For 8 years, The Co-operative Bank’s ‘Beyond Carbon Neutral’ status has helped improve lives

In a week where the UN called all businesses to step up to the mark and go Climate Neutral Now, we are delighted to see our partners at The Co-operative Bank announcing that their operations remain Beyond Carbon Neutral for the eighth consecutive year.

ClimateCare CEO Edward Hanrahan said: “We’re delighted to have worked closely with The Co-operative Bank for over a decade, delivering integrated ClimateCare projects that reduce carbon and improve the health and wellbeing of some of the world’s poorest communities.

Our work together continues to inspire other organisations and leaves a lasting legacy for local communities as well as our environment.”

You can read more on The Co-operative Bank website

To follow their lead and go Climate Neutral, call our experts on +44 (0)1865 591000.

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