Enhancing international opportunities for Australia’s green building industry

A new partnership between the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) and the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) will help provide greater opportunities for local companies to enter international markets.

The GBCA and Austrade have agreed to work together on a program of activities to boost Australia’s presence in international markets.

“Australia is already recognised as a world leader in the design of green building technologies, systems and approaches,” said Robin Mellon, the GBCA’s Executive Director - Advocacy and International.

“This new partnership will help members of the Green Building Council of Australia to gain information to help them grow their businesses in international markets, particularly within Asia.”

Austrade’s Global Team Manager for Infrastructure, Peter Harrison, said Austrade has appointed Senior Industry Adviser, Luke Deacon, to assist in facilitating the internationalisation of the Australian green building industry.

“Working from GBCA’s head office initially for four months, Luke will work with the GBCA to increase strategic alignment, synergy and collaboration between the two organisations,” Mr Harrison said.

“Luke will also help develop a joint Austrade - GBCA strategy to support GBCA members and their international expansion initiatives which also extends to the marketing, positioning and promotion of their capabilities, into overseas markets.”

Mr Mellon said, “We will be working together to survey GBCA members on their current international footprint and future international aspirations, in order to provide them with information on new business opportunities and key players in a range of international markets.

“This new service will provide our members with an additional membership benefit, supporting them to market their products, services and capabilities internationally,” Mr Mellon said.

Mr Harrison said this relationship will enhance the role Austrade plays within the industry. It will also build on the key initiatives being implemented in Australia and overseas, to capitalise on international opportunities arising within one of the world’s fastest growing industries.

About Austrade

The Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) is the Australian Government’s trade and investment development agency.

Austrade assists Australian businesses to succeed in trade and investment internationally, and attracts productive foreign direct investment into Australia. Austrade’s extensive global network of offices covers more than 100 locations in over 55 countries.

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