Energy Informatics book published

Richard T. Watson and Marie-Claude Boudreau announce publication of  the first book on Energy Informatics, which is now available as a Kindle edition on Amazon for USD 9.99

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According to Darwin, fire (a form of energy) and language (an information system) are the two most important human inventions. Not surprisingly, energy and information have been the dual pillars of civilization for centuries. What is surprising is that there has been very limited study of the intricate relationship between these critical elements of past, current, and future societies. This is, as far as we can ascertain, the first book on Energy Informatics. This book introduces Energy Informatics to the general business audience and scholars. It illustrates the application of Energy Informatics thinking with cases drawn from a wide variety of domains and discusses the role that Information Systems can play in creating a sustainable society, the dominant challenge facing today’s society.

The authors are pioneering the development of Energy Informatics as a practical approach to reducing energy consumption. They have written practitioner and scholarly articles on the topic, conducted funded research for the Advanced Practices Council of the Society for Information Management, an elite group of CIOs, and presented on Energy Informatics in more than a dozen countries.


  1. The emergence of Energy Informatics
  2. En route to Energy Informatics at UPS
  3. Energy efficient farming
  4. Singapore’s electronic road pricing
  5. EnerNOC and  demand response management
  6. Saving energy with bicycle sharing
  7. The technology of Energy Informatics
  8. The information perspective
  9. Design principles
  10. Creating an intelligent planet

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