Climate change solutions must be business driven

Worldwide, people have come to understand that humanity faces a global emergency that poses an imminent threat to the prosperity of future generations. The recent adjustment of the Domesday Clock to two and a half minutes to midnight from three minutes, shows the risks inherent with our current global business models and the precarious state of humanity.The need to operate sustainably has never been greater.

The time has come to drive forward the plethora of innovative sustainability solutions available at speed and scale to address some of the world’s most pressing environmental, social and economic issues.

As the world faces a potentially extended period of political unrest and uncertainty, the opportunities for companies to help solve climate change have never been so vast and varied - and perhaps never so compelling. A growing number of companies are already switching to sustainable business models, aligning with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and setting climate targets to address the various challenges ahead.

Innovative businesses are eliminating waste in the supply chain, pushing through energy efficiency measures and planning future scenarios around resource scarcity. From groundbreaking agricultural initiatives to the growth of renewable energy, the early adoption of new business models can still stabilise our planetary systems.

For example, sectors like finance are reshaping themselves with the introduction of Green Bonds, ethical investments, the growth of microfinancing and rise of environmental, social and governance (ESG).

All of which are areas that are starting to measure the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company or business. Every business can make the appropriate step change.

The question is when will it happen universally and what lever is required to initiate this step change.

With the passing of time, it has become clear that the solutions must be business driven and companies must step in where governments have failed to act. The good news is that some companies around the globe are adopting sustainable businesses models, stepping up and making it their mission to lead.

Companies Vs Climate Change (CvCC): Europe October 4-6, 2017 at the Radisson Blu Royal Brussels is a new event whose mission it is to bring together companies from around the world to discuss climate change and how they can work together to address it most impactfully.

The B2B Company Vs Climate Change Conference is dedicated to providing a forum for business leaders to connect with Climate change solutions. It strives to be an open and straightforward arena for companies to collaborate and share best practices for being part of the solution to the climate crisis.

Companies vs. Climate Change is not a political organization. It’s merely a platform for promoting joint business cooperation on an international emergency through collaboration, knowledge sharing and the dialogue.

Who will attend?

As the world will be counting down to COP23 this event is intended for any professional at any company who is involved in the process of decreasing their company’s carbon footprint and is part of the effort to solve climate change.

Companies Vs Climate Change (CvCC) is building a community around the idea that uniting businesses, in unison with governments, is the key to effecting change. Its community affords an opportunity to learn from and work together with those companies that have the sincere intention of driving global action as we face the emergency that is climate change - together.

Government agencies and educators have the invaluable wisdom to share in our fight against global disaster – but we believe that the business world possesses the scale, resources, capacity, and genuine interest in helping to address this crisis.

For further details visit Contact if you’re from a corporate interested in speaking or sponsoring the European conference. For details of the US event which takes place Nov 29- Dec 1 at the Hyatt Regency Miami contact

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