Clenergy co-launched the Haixi New Energy Industry Alliance

The Haixi New Energy Industry Alliance was formally introduced on March 15 at the three-day Haixi International New Energy Industry Expo and Forum. Haixi is an economic zone on the western coast of the Taiwan Strait.
The founding sponsors of the alliance include Clenergy, the solar park solution provider, Xiamen University’s School of Energy Research, and a number of financial institutions and clean energy companies.

The Haixi New Energy Industry Alliance provides a platform between mainland China and Taiwan to help bring together cutting-edge technologies, capital and market resources for the new energy industry. The Alliance serves its members to increase their competitiveness and to promote the development of the industry in the region.

Li Ning, the president of the School of Energy Research at Xiamen University, delivered a speech at the formal announcement of the Alliance. Mr. Li said the Alliance will sign cooperation agreements with Clenergy and other founding sponsors. “As members contribute their strengths, the Alliance will become a true melting pot with a vibrant exchange of research, industry and finance for the new energy industry in Haixi,” said Mr. Li.

Since Clenergy’s establishment in 2007, “making renewable energy accessible and affordable” has been the company’s mission statement. The strategic partnership between Clenergy and the School of Energy Research in conjunction with the advantages of the Alliance will benefit Clenergy’s operations in Haixi and across the globe.

About Clenergy

Clenergy International is a leading Sino-Australian joint venture in the solar PV industry, with its headquarters in Xiamen, China, and branch offices in Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States. Clenergy provides high quality, versatile solar PV mounting products and solutions for commercial, residential and utility-scale customers. Its inverters and power electronics equipment are supplied with full technical and service support. Clenergy is an ISO 9001 accredited company and all of its products comply with international standards. It has been through the focus on quality, innovation and service that Clenergy have been able to achieve rapid growth and build a strong international reputation. Clenergy maintains long-term strategic partnerships with many leading companies in the solar PV industry, and through its partners, provides Clenergy products and solutions in more than 19 countries around the world. For more information, please visit

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